Reviews for Uncontrollable Grief
Guest chapter 3 . 3/23/2013
Bravo! I must say, you've done a great job :) VK characters are just the sort that you can't recreate them perfectly, but despite that it was wonderful to read about the two. Their friendship is very endearing chapter 3 . 1/14/2012
Is this the end...:( Aww, I wished there was more! I love the friendship btw Takuma and Kaname, and I simply love a Kaname in bloodlust! Heehee:D Great job!

increak96 chapter 3 . 8/12/2011
No Contact Ever chapter 3 . 6/16/2011
awwww i can't take it the story was long and beautiful the perfect combination i thank you very much for writing this
lijana chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
Oh I love your characterisation and the story itself is so angsty yet entertaining.

I like how you have portrayed Kaname and Takuma's relationship in this very brotherly way.

I look forward to reading more.
catch-the-snow x chapter 1 . 12/31/2009

i normally don't write reviews often, so this is a bit new to me :) but good job on this story!

thanks for the great read ~
Nineorchids chapter 3 . 5/2/2009
Wow what a story. That was so good. I think you did a wonderful job with the characters of Takuma and Kaname. You managed to capture the social politics of young Kaname's situation too. Poor Kaname, too young to live his life in the manner his parents would have wanted and forced to do things that are abhorrent to his nature. You did a very good job with this. I thoroughly enjoyed all three chapters.
VaneCaos chapter 3 . 3/27/2009
Oohh! *pink hearts mixed with tears* What can I say that I didn't say before? You're amazing! Only 3 chapters, but what chapters, girl! You left me wondering how many of the Level Es that attacked Cross ACademy when Rido woke up were made by Kaname in his child days (and locked 'till that day, as a tactic reserve). And who is that devil pureblood? Sara? Hope I can read Solitaire so I would find out! I hate her from now.

Oh, yes, TAkuma: leaving alone Kaname with Ichiou was a betrayal, but what could you have done to help him? He was the pet on show, not you, your granfather would not have left you approach him, less comforting him.

OMG, Takuma is confronting Ichio? That's the prequel for what would come. Oh, and what was the result of the fight with his grandfather in present days? From the manga, we know that Takuma ended badly injured and was found by that b* of SAra, but what happened to Asato? Is he alive, the f* monster? *sorry for the bad language, you don't know how I hate these two characters*

"the sacrifice is a great honor for Kaname-sama, the one he has to accept… and anyway – accepting it is better for him than to be considered fallen into dangerously uncontrollable grief…” Such a horrible threat... you damned * *shudders with dangerously uncontrollable rage* And Kaname enduring all this torture not only for his own "freedom" but for Yuuki's sake.

That cutting scene left me speechless. At first I thought he was only hurting himself in grief (which is bad enough) but he was tasting his blood, despising himself and his pure blood. *cries again, ending the tissue box she started with chapter 1*

"how could they… how could they allow me to share a drop of my blood with a mere ex-human… when it is something they crave so bitterly… and cannot have?” That's another twist in the wickedness of the council. Not only they don't allow Kaname to save the sacrifices 'cause they want him to produce LEvel E's for them, but because they're envious.

"The more I grieve for them…the more I see their faces throughout the day… every time I close my eyes… the more I abhor what I’m forced to do… the less control I have over myself when they put them before me…" Such a hurting and realistic paradox, it's a circle he can't break *shakes head in grief*

Takuma let Kaname feed on him? Such a sunny, warm and angelic being. Listen to me Sara, if you dare to touch even a hair of him *raises finger* I... I... will kill you in so many painful ways that you would never know when you've died. You get me? *glares daggers at Sara*

“I trusted you.” THAT was the sentence Kanamed needed to hear the most. You're a genious, Takuma, and the better thing about you is that you are naturally.

“I will never betray you,” But you did it, Takuma, you did it. I only hope that Kaname understood that you hadn't any other options.*sad sigh, hoping Matsuri Hino explain us what had happened with Takuma* Oh, so in your fic Takuma won the fight? Blessed him! How I hope it was true in the manga, too.

*bows to you* You're an amazing author, you have an indredible sight to portray the character's reactions and feelings. Deep, touching and awesome. What else can I say?
VaneCaos chapter 2 . 3/27/2009
Aah! *hugs her teddy bear crying uncontrollably, like he fic's title* OMG, OMG, such agony in a poor child... *cries again, babling* You're such a tallented writer. How can you put so much emotion in a chapter? I've been through anger, sadness, distress, tenderness and rage, one after the other or all of them mixed, I can't quite tell.

So much sacrifices... so much stabbing in Kaname's heart. And that looks ons the guest's faces, like he was an steak... *is sick* Hurra Kaname, for having killed that Council of Vultures.

Loved the worried Takuma, trying to do what was in his small hand to assuage Kaname's grief. But Kaname doesn't have energy even to talk, poor soul, and he hides his deep depression behind coldness. *wipes tears from her eyes* So much HURT in his broken sentences. “I’m turning into something I do not want to be… something I cannot allow myself to be…” That touched me deeply, specially the last part. Why can't Kaname allow himself to be like that, eating humans coldly? Not only 'because he doesn't want to, but maybe 'cause it would awaken his ancestor side? *starts thinking she sees ancestory things everywhere* "he said that he ‘promised myself that I’d never do that again’ and then clutched both his hands to his head and buried it deep into pillows as if he feared it’d burst?" OMG, I'm seeing ancestor clues again! Kaname must be feeling something is tearing him apart from the inside.

A FUNERAL PARTY? *looks for any weapon she can find to kill not only Asato, in the worst manner she can, but all the Council* That is an outrage! OMG, things are going even worst! *scared eyes* But it's a very realistic thing the Council would do... such... such... *eyes gleaming red and fangs elongating* I can't find the right words to describe them!

Incredible writing work and amazing character building, Leen *reverents*.
VaneCaos chapter 1 . 3/27/2009
Oh, dear, I loved it! Bittersweet, sad, nostalgic, both innocent and perverse... You really are talented to portray the character's psychology :) I alerted you when I read Picture Perfect and your Cross/Yagari fic (how about chapter 3?), so I received the latest alert for Solitaire. Unfortunately, you have writen neraly 20 chapters, and I don't know if I can catch up with all of them. I was half reading the last one, Takuma's flashback, when I receoved the alert of this new story, so I'm quite determinated to read this one at least *sighs and blames her damned lack of time*

Wow, really good! There's not much Takuma/Kaname fics, I think, at least not centered in their childhood, and it's a pity, they offer a lot of possibilities to work on: yes, how the hell Takuma managed to grow up like the cheerful person he is living with that demon? *frowns at Ichio* Did Kaname trusted him from the begining? Probably not, given the fact he was his captor's grandson. That makes me muse when did Kaname started to trust him and why, or think that maybe the pureblood did never completely trust Takuma. How did Kaname felt when Takuma said he had betrayed him as a vampire but not as a friend? So many questions... I'm so happy you have centered on this pair! *bright smile*

I like the contrast between the grandpa's behaviour, dark and threatening, and the tenderness of the servants, the true family of Takuma and maybe the reason why he's more... how to say it? Human than the other vampires? Cheerful and not so rigid as the other nobles.

Oh, the little ancestor thing, with that "headache"... *delightful smile* I miss more fics exploring this side of Kaname, or maybe they are but I hadn't had the time to find them.

*pats on the head that lovely ancient driver and manga addict* Ah, so we know now were this passion came from! Nice to see that little Takuma has some adult he can trust with his innocent questions... even if the answers were not that simple. Hope the driver will never arise Ichio's anger, thinking he's a bad influence for his grandson, I fear for him. *crosses fingers*

Uh... the sacrifices. Guess that scene on the last chapter of the manga left us shocked by its cruelty. *winks at you* Poor Kaname, such a hell of life. I'm scared to find out that he killed these humans.*shoots Ichio for threatening Kaname in that way* Kill him, Kaname, he deserves it, damned cold-hearted monster!

OH *teary eyes* Loved the last scene, with Kaname grieving alone in his room, even having to control his aura. The poor kid doesn't even has the comfort to cry like he needs... No wonder he's remote and guarded when he's a young. Yes, our cheerful, warm and innocent Takuma is what he really needs to face those dark years.

Loved it, Leen, really! Oh, and I must say I read your explanation about the time line of VK in Blackened Wings blog and I nearly 100% agree with you. I'm only a bit confused about the Kuran's line and the ancestor thing. Guess we have to wait MAtsuri Hino to enlighten us *impatient sigh*
YenGirl chapter 3 . 3/25/2009
Aw… thanks, dear! *hugs super author* Your stories are most definitely deserving of lots of reviews so everyone who reads this, please do your part, OK? :D

Ugh, Ichiou’s evil and insensitive! (Well, of course evil people are…) You have only one grandson but you can’t even be bothered to let him know of the party yourself… *shakes her head and goes through her ‘Multiple Ways to Kill Asato Ichijo in Painful and Gruesome Manner’ list once more*

Poor young Kaname’s so close to cracking here! *winces* All those feelings and aura barely suppressed! *wants to hug him again* But if there’s a silver lining here, I guess he’s got the practice needed to always stay calm and in control at all times in later years… and the other silver lining is of course Ze – uh, Takuma! *cringes* (Sorry, I got distracted by the word ‘silver’! :p) Takuma’s a true friend! *grins widely to cover near slip*

Oh, this was nicely put – everyone in the ballroom rotating around Ichiou and Kaname, from Takuma’s vantage point. Hmm, have to wonder who that female pureblood was – she couldn’t be Shizuka since that one’s already captured… Initially, I thought it was Sara Shirabuki but it can’t be coz she’s the same age as Kaname so she wouldn’t be calling him (and Ichiou!) ‘kun’… *muses to herself* Poor Takuma – caught with his feelings so transparently shown on his face! Ugh, that woman did a spot of memory wipe, didn’t she? She did, I’m sure! *mutters to herself, paces up and down*

Wow, one must indeed be very careful in front of Ichiou… poor Takuma, wanting to help his suffering friend and probably making it worse for him! *cringes on his behalf* So typical of Takuma to sit there on the stairs to wait for Kaname.

And here they are at last! Oh no, poor Kaname, all broken and bloodstained! This was so difficult and heartbreaking to read! *frowns a little at super author* You know I only like fluffy stuff… *continues reading, wincing every so often*

Grr… *growls impotently and scribbles more torture on her ‘Multiple Ways to Kill Asato Ichijo in Painful and Gruesome Manner’ list* Poor thing, what have they done to him? But I’m sure Takuma’s mistake was one that was meant to be! Horrid Ichiou! *growls at him again*

Just look at the poor dear – sitting them in a daze then finally trying to drink his own blood! *tsks and frets in tears* No wonder Takuma couldn’t stand it anymore and stopped him! But the way you put it was amazing – I could feel for poor Kaname, knowing all those eyes were on him, knowing what he was doing to those poor humans! *shudders*

LOL, Takuma’s so ignorant of a pureblood’s bite but even in his daze, I liked how Kaname’s voice held that little bit of teasing… and of course those horrid vultures would not let him stabilise his victims, would they? Not when (and as Kaname himself said so eloquently) – ‘when it is something they crave so bitterly… and cannot have?”’ *bursts into tears again and cries even more at Kaname’s rushed and horrified words* Those evil beings even pricked the victims’ necks to ensure Kaname would be tempted beyond reason, didn’t they? Evil, nasty, loathsome beings! *starts doing up individual death lists for each of them*

Kaname’s uncontrolled power here was awesome to read! So angsty… and it just reminded me of Phoenix’s uncontrolled powers in X-Men (sorry!). Poor Takuma – being flung left and right - how Kaname managed to control himself so quickly was quite beyond me! *eyes wide and trying to calm herself down*

Kaname’s concern for Takuma was so sweet as was fighting his bloodlust! So it looked like those sacrifices were of no use to Kaname after all – since he must have had a lot and it still didn’t satisfy him… poor thing… *sniffles*

Takuma – you kind soul, you! *beams at him* The only thing to do… and you did it! LOL, he even passed out but yes, it was worth it to see Kaname looking much better now. Of course, Takuma preferred to see anger rather than that helpless, hopeless looking Kaname! *is much relieved now*

I hope evil Ichiou has gone back to his party or whatever – it would be horrible if he felt Kaname’s aura or scented his nephew’s blood… *shudders* Aw, Takuma – you sweetie! *hugs him again* That was a wonderful, wonderful thing to tell Kaname! *beams at both of them*

Aw, the part where Kaname’s words made them both laugh was lovely! *hearts aplenty* I’m a bit sad though, coz it shows that they are both young boys after all and Kaname was much too young to undergo such grief and suffering at that tender age… but still, Takuma is there for him!

LOL, Takuma is used to taking from the servants… but why not, eh? They love it and it’s not as if he takes it forcibly from them so why not! *beams again* I’m glad Kaname said he would consider that instead of outright rejecting Takuma’s offer.

Oh, no erasing of memories, Kaname! You can trust this gentle and sincere noble… even if he is related to – ugh, I don’t want to bring up his name again. Well, you can trust Takuma, you can, Kaname! ‘“I guess I trust you too…”’ – kya… *squeals softly*

I like how Takuma’s memories faded to the present day… yes, Kaname needs his help now more than ever… if not in the years after he left his unwanted guardian’s home.

And I loved Takuma’s words at the end – of course there is no shame in letting your friends support you! Such a true, dear friend indeed! *beams at Takuma and glomps onto him*

*wipes away tears and sniffles happily* You are an amazing writer, Leen! This has made me love Takuma more than ever! *thumbs up*
Hanamaru chapter 3 . 3/24/2009
this is tearing my heart out! great fic, great job!

YenGirl chapter 2 . 3/23/2009
Oh dear! *clutches at her chest and tries not to keel over from the pain* I’d thought ‘poor Kaname’ in Chapter 1 but you really know how to make us feel sorry for him! *cries and wants to cuddle him very badly* Those horrible, horribe Council people and their poor sacrifices! *wonders if they successfully turned into Level Ds or…er… died*

Poor Kaname, forced to sit out those excruciating dinners, knowing what would come after and those horrid, repulsive gazes! *wishes she could stab each and everyone of those nasties*

But yay for Takuma! *beams at sweet and caring noble* I liked how he patiently waited for Kaname to return and how his patience has been rewarded at last! Finally, Kaname has decided that he doesn’t want to be alone… or that perhaps he can’t stand the thought of Takuma hovering outside his door anymore! LOL

Aw, the drapes aren’t even closed and Kaname is not even forgoing food, he’s also not sleeping! *pretends she never made Kaname in her own fic do pretty much the same thing* Dear Takuma! *giggles* Of course one would tend to blather on and on out of nervousness – could understand why Kaname stopped him! *tries to muffle giggles*

Yes, Takuma, you stay by Kaname’s side – he just needs your understanding presence, that’s all! This was lovely – and we can see why Takuma is so fiercely loyal to Kaname when they grew up and why he so carefully guards not only the fragile pureblood but his happiness as well *sighs happily since she also had Takuma in her own fic do pretty much the same thing*

This chapter was so painful to read at first… but I was relieved to read on once they came to an understanding of sorts and Takuma offered silent comfort each day. Yes, words are not necessary here… even though my heart bled at poor Kaname’s disjointed sentences *sighs*

OMG – such a horrid travesty as Kaname said! *outraged and wants to kill all the Council members again, starting with Ichiou* Forced to attend a funeral party for his deceased parents? Poor Kaname would suffer so much! *winces and rubs her aching chest* That was a very powerful and telling outburst indeed! I’m so glad that no one but Takuma heard that, even if Kaname stopped it abruptly.

Stick by this pureblood, Takuma! *hugs him* He’s going to really need your support and friendship here!
YenGirl chapter 1 . 3/23/2009
Yes, much better to have it as a separate story so that it doesn’t distract from Solitaire and its own powerful storyline is more clear! :D Takuma is one of my favourite characters in VK and I too have wondered over the fact that he is so cheerful, friendly and well… nice… especially after having Ichiou as a grandfather and closest relative! *shakes head*

Well, at least young Takuma is still aware of some of his grandfather’s less than nice personality! Obviously, the young noble has yet to learn to keep any info about Kaname from Ichiou… but I’m sure he will learn to do so in time.

Aw, poor, poor Kaname – to change from a happy child to a sad and troubled one, even in young Takuma’s eyes! *wants to hug both of them* The noble is so sweet in wanting to be Kaname’s friend, not for any personal gain as such but to make the young pureblood feel better and not so alone. Well, of course it would be difficult for Kaname to trust Ichiou’s grandson immediately, right?

LOL, I liked how Takuma and the driver forged a friendship based on their love for manga! Aw, I’m sure it would have been more fun to read them with Kaname which would have been good diversion for the poor young pureblood. Takuma is indeed a nice boy, thinking further on how to start up a friendship with Kaname.

Humans? *sighs* Yes, the sacrifices! LOL, so Takuma’s disinterest in human blood was perceived as admirable ‘restraint’ by Ichuou? :D Damn, I so wanted Kaname to refuse Ichiou but of course he couldn’t – no wonder the poor boy’s wallowing in anger and guilt after that event – that dark aura flaring all around! Argh, I so wanted Takuma to go right into Kaname’s room and comfort the hurting pureblood… but it’s realistic that Kaname would keep it to himself… at least for now. *keeps fingers crossed that Kaname will learn to trust Takuma in time*