Reviews for Never Start Dean Winchester Off About Pie!
The Wuzzy chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
This is freaking hilarious! :D Plus I could totally imagine it happening. I love Dean's pie obsession, ahh, we have so much in common. Namely, PIE. I can't believe you don't like pie :P Anyway, your writing is fantastic. You got the characters so well I can totally imagine them all in this situation :D
lanternheart chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
'As you know there are many types of pie, you have my personal favourite Cherry pie, but as you know Sammy, I never ever discriminate against any pie created whatsoever…unless of course Dad tried to make it.'

Sam gave a small snort of laughter as he recalled his fathers many failed attempt at cooking – especially pie. On Dean's 16th birthday John had insisted on baking a banana cream pie. Being John he truly made a banana cream pie, banana skins and all. Dean had nearly choked on one of them before Sam had to tell John that it was the inside of the banana that was needed and not the whole thing.

Oh wow, John. xD Nobody wants to eat banana skins. O_o


'Blueberry pie, that's pretty darned good, blackberry pie with whipped cream, man that is heaven.' Dean spoke as he slapped Sam's knee in content.

'What's like heaven?' A voice spoke up from the back seat.

Dean swivelled his head to the back seat only getting half way before a head popped out from the back seat. Sam's hazel eyes grew as he watched Dean swerve the car in fright. 'Son of a -?'

'Dean.' Sam warned equally frightened, not for himself but the poor soul that was going to get the back hand of Dean's verbal abuse.

'So what is like heaven?' Castiel repeated, staring at Sam intently.

Dean parked his baby girl on the side of the road before turning around the address the soft spoken angel. 'Someone had better be dying for you to be here,' he growled out at the angel.

'No, on the contrary my dear Dean I came to tell you that everything is fine at the moment.' He said as cheerily as he could manage for he couldn't manage an awful lot.

'So what in God name possessed you to grace us with your presence?' Dean said, patience with the world slowly wearing thin.

'God has not told me anything about His name and as for possession I am still in the same body that I have met you on numerous occasions.' Castiel said to Dean looking confused. He then turned to Sam looking for an explanation.

'Dean's angry because someone ate his pie. He thinks it was me.' Sam huffed.

'Yeah I think it was you because it was…you!' Dean bit back.

'No it wasn't.' Sam said.

'Of course it was! I locked the door on my way out!'

'Dean why the hell would I want to eat your stupid pie?' Sam cried out in anger.

Castiel watched the banter between the brothers about a pie. 'What is a pie?' He interjected. Both brothers took no notice of him.

'Don't you dare say pie is stupid!' Dean said in a flared rage.

'Well it wasn't me who ate your pie. You are yelling about something that only kids would yell about. Grow! Up!' Sam yelled back into Dean's red face. 'We are arguing about a food Dean…a food!' Sam shook his head a bit ashamed that he let things grow this out of hand.

'What is this pie you keep talking about?' Castiel said a bit louder so he wouldn't be ignored. His blue eyes were scanning the brothers eyes, waiting for one of them to speak up.

'Pie is a baked dish, with a filling and a pastry top.' Dean said proudly, before he looked at Sam and added, 'And Sam ate it!' He yelled again.

'What was in this pie?'


'Oh.' Castiel said thinking about what he had done earlier in the Winchester's room.

'Oh what?' Sam said cautiously. Castiel looked a bit sheepish and Sam put together the puzzle. 'You?' He asked the angel. Castiel slowly nodded his head.

'You what?' Dean asked not seeing it.

'I apologize Dean. I didn't know.' Castiel said in a small voice.

'Didn't know what?' Dean sat there staring at Sam who made a face and shifted his head towards Castiel.

'Oh my God. It was you?' Dean bellowed. Both Sam and Castiel winced as Dean started off a tirade about how Castiel should never enter their room and how Sam should punch the daylights out of him the next time he was accused off something.

Sam and Castiel both learned something that day on the side of the road. Never start Dean Winchester off about pie!

Only Dean can make an ANGEL feel scared. xD

OMG, Cas ate the pie? xD

"What's like heaven?" Aw, lil adorable Cassy.

"What is a pie?" So adorable. ...Yeah, I'm a bit of a Castiel girl. And a total Sam girl.
Tellhound chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
now i want pie. really good fic.
kazza-spexy chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
ha ha this fic is EPIC LOL XD
Tribble Master chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
hm? oh what was that? pie? i'm sorry, I DON'T THINK YOU SAID IT ENOUGH.



all better.

this story is lol. cas doesn't know what pie is but he knows he ate something delicious last night. *coughPIEcough*

so i'm sitting here at work, and i had deep insight into the show. i know, i know, i shouldn't over analyze, but you know how in dream a little dream of me & what is and what should never be it shows how dean wants a normal life, right? well, they describe people who don't know the supernatual as having a apple-pie-life. So that's why he loves pie! Because dean craves normalcy!

Or does this go in the evidence pile of why I'm insane?

anyway, WRITE ON!
ChuBBa ChEEkz chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Kierastarlight chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
LOL! I think what is funniest about this is that Castiel would probably NEVER actually waste his time listening to an arguement about pie, but then maybe he would because it's DEAN LOL
PlatinumRoseLady chapter 1 . 3/7/2009

Very very VERY good!
dean lover chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
omg PORKY PIE! i called one of my mates that a day ago and thats not normaly what i call people and i love sam and deaN wo! PIE!
JaneConstantine chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
That was funny! Especially the parts when Sam was telling Dean about the stargazy and pork pies and Dean found out that it was Castiel that ate his pie! XD Love it!