Reviews for Heart to Heart
pat chapter 26 . 4/24/2016
Great and. Wouldfull .it the most wouldfull story l read. Keep up the good work.
Ziver69 chapter 3 . 3/14/2013
Oh my gosh, I am so happy. I read this story ages ago and loved it! (Sorry I never left a review) Ever since then, every once in awhile I think of it and couldn't find it. I was just thinking of it earlier yesterday or today and then here it is! YAY!
claudia40gsr chapter 26 . 5/21/2012
OMG! Como eu chorei ao ler esta história! Tantos momentos tristes... Tanta dor para Sara... Grissom sabe como ser cruel na maioria das vezes. Tudo poderia ser mais simples para eles. Apesar de todo sofrimento foi uma linda história com um final feliz. Isso me faz feliz! Beijos.
chasingrabbit chapter 4 . 6/10/2011
oh my..can't breathe. i am tempted to go to the last chapter.

I've learned this story through SAPFF at YTDAW. I made review even before finishing that means im falling in love with it. Let's see how it goes on the succeeding chapter. Do I need a lot of tissue?
DayDreamer077 chapter 26 . 3/16/2011
that was rather cute and sweet. Poor Blake and Cady but somewhat happy ending.

I always believed in one soul (un'anima). I read it on a twilight fic one year but I always believed that people were made to have one person in their lives where the heart beats as one. I'm a romantic at heart. lol.
Trahnfisch chapter 26 . 4/3/2010
okay... i dont know where to start! first of all... this story was great... actually it was more than great but i dont know a vocabulary for it (as i told you before, my english is not that good)... so... just fill in the blank with a vocabulary you like.

than: i never read a story wich was so sad... i cried almost all the time. normally i wouldnt read something that sad... with so many losses. i cant emagine how sara would cope with first the death of blake and than loosing her child!

but you were able to describe those feelings really good!


thank you for sharing! and please write more.
Trahnfisch chapter 9 . 4/3/2010
okay... my english is not that good, so normally i only make one review at the end of the story...

im definitively a gsr fan... i dont read anything but sara - grissom romance.

but i have to say... i liked blake! i didnt like that sara was married to him but i liked the character youve created here... and i have to say im sad he is dead!

god lord... what does that do to sara and her child *sigh*
CHICSI chapter 26 . 2/24/2010
Great story!of course with a wonderful GSR ending...
CHICSI chapter 21 . 2/24/2010
I love this chapter!really funny...Hodges and his self-asorbed!
CHICSI chapter 20 . 2/24/2010
The dream sequence reminds me of..Nick's hallucination in Grave Danger...sounds like Quentin Taratino directed your enjoying this always..i will keep reading
CHICSI chapter 11 . 2/23/2010
I can't believe this chapter!I feel awful for Sara and once again a major change in this sad..
CHICSI chapter 9 . 2/23/2010
Wow! Blake gets killed? So soon..well i hope Grissom can still help Sara even in his condition...i will as always keep reading...
CHICSI chapter 8 . 2/23/2010
The bugman scared of cute and funny was that?
CHICSI chapter 7 . 2/23/2010
At first i thought Blake may be a awful man..but i see that he does u know things can change...starting to like this Blake...for now.
CHICSI chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
Now Sara is WHAT!...what is Grissom going to do now? I had tears in my eyes toward the end of this chapter...I feel so bad for him...i know.. gets worse before it gets better..i'll keep this story...
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