Reviews for Keeping Secrets
MetallicaPrime chapter 39 . 1/19/2018
THANK YOU FOR THE STRY! I loved the ending! Keep up the good work!
TomRiddlesTwin chapter 39 . 1/7/2018
Loved this story!
SunstreakersSquishy2.0 chapter 39 . 8/24/2014
I loved this story.
xVentressx chapter 39 . 7/16/2014
More like Papa 'Cade and Mama Jazz!
They were arguing like an old married coupleXD
I liked the story!Now*drums*...da-bum-tss!The sequel!XD
FlowersForTheDead chapter 39 . 6/8/2014
Jazzilynn Hall chapter 30 . 5/10/2014
Uh oh... Barricade is in trouble now! He just HAD to chase the red car... and now he's gonna get his aft handed to him on a silver platter, frontliner style. Go Sideswipe!
Luna Uchiha666 chapter 39 . 12/12/2013
LMAO! The moment Jazz met up with 'Cade, I started laughing and only laughed harder as the arguments began till the very end of the chapter! LOVE IT! Oh she will NEVER EVER be bored with the kind of company she has to live with for now on! And I liked how the two were arguing over little things before it all, dissolved into arrangements of what they were going to do! Man that was good! And Frenzy and Morse taking silly bets was even funnier. HAH Can't wait to start on the sequel and see what all kinds of drama you plan for that one!
JerseyPrime23 chapter 39 . 9/15/2013
I liked this story. Not too complicated yet it was detailed and written in a way that still grabbed your attention. I also like the story plot. Barricade is one of my favorite decepticons. I believe deep down he is a really good mech :)
KeepingThemAtBay chapter 39 . 6/30/2013
Came across your story and read it front to back in three days, and I loved it! Definetly a favorite. :)
AutobotCopperShadow chapter 20 . 6/23/2013
Awesome Job!
Dragon of Yin and Yang chapter 39 . 10/3/2012
Great of my favorites!
PaDiYaFLAME chapter 39 . 3/13/2012
This story was great and well-written. I'll start reading the sequel right away!
Joldino-Sidestreaker chapter 39 . 2/12/2012
I almost bust a gut reading that last part. Good job, it was quite enjoyable.
fancyyfox chapter 39 . 9/26/2011
this story is amazing XD though i dont really like the main character...but that's just me
sydneyelainee chapter 39 . 7/9/2011
This story was cute in it's own way. I liked it, a lot.
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