Reviews for The Rise and Fall of Commodore James Norrington
redstarsarc chapter 4 . 7/31/2019
Why is there a river in my living room?

Oh, wait...

That would be the tears ;_;

Each of these drabbles was beautifully written and so heartbreaking. It's amazing how you can infuse so much emotion into so few words. Poor James.
thecommodoreswife chapter 3 . 11/6/2009
'...and in James’s opinion Elizabeth’s heart was so much more important than his.'

so poignant, this part.

Beautiful :)
MorganBonny chapter 1 . 3/26/2009

so powerful an so-so-so SAD! *sniffle* we all know how this ends... really good work, this.

you have such vivid short flashes of insight! *envy*


MorganBonny chapter 2 . 3/26/2009
Liking the weary tone of this very much. The questioners don't sound very period though, just thought I'd point that out.

Good job!


MorganBonny chapter 3 . 3/26/2009
yes, very cheerful...

you can see I'm using my spare time...sparingly? sorry, terrible pun, but the point is, I haven't much time so this is a bit rushed.

Thought the last line was a bit awkward sounding mebbe 'and to James Elizabeth's...was much more important...' IDK, I just thought it needed a little love. I really love the idea/reference thing about hearts being unequal though.

I cross James on that point though, that B*'s heart is not much more better than his!


MorganBonny chapter 4 . 3/26/2009
harhar lovely!

What a terrible realization for poor James!

'penniless, pointless and drunk' is such a poetic, accurate description too!

good job (esp. keeping it to 100, I never can :) )


Tarlea chapter 4 . 3/23/2009
I liked this, and a H for a H. Letting one heart break so that another could be happy. So sweet.

This one made me giggle too. What WAS that smell? lol.
Tarlea chapter 2 . 3/23/2009
I like the rhythm in this. It has a nice lilt to it. :)
Tarlea chapter 1 . 3/23/2009
Oh, I like this. He is so sensible and controlled except when it comes to Elizabeth. Dear Norry. :)
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 4 . 1/4/2009
This little drabble came full circle on our dear James and I really like how you've managed to pull that off in exactly 100 words. I don't think I've written a 100 word drabble yet, LOL!

Another wonderful job with this! I love your grasp on James' character! ;)
Nytd chapter 4 . 1/4/2009
"Then realisation hit him; the smell was him. How he hated being a pirate."

Poor James, as the realization of just how bad his situation is dawns on him. You'd think he couldn't sink any lower at this point, but one could argue that joining forces with Beckett was a poorer choice than his current occupation.

If only he'd survived after he realized his mistake...sigh.

Nice drabble, dearie!
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 3 . 1/1/2009
Aw! This was very heartwarming and ended on a sweet note. Although, James' story was always a sad one to me, he really did love Elizabeth with all his heart, placing her at the forefront of his decisions.

Beautiful work, love! As always, looking forward to more ;)
Nytd chapter 3 . 1/1/2009
Lovely sentiment here.

Again James is stoic, letting his own heart break so that she can have her freedom.

"Society may have not cared about love but James did and he let her go because he loved her."

So sweet!

Nice ficlet for the first day of the new year!
Nytd chapter 2 . 1/1/2009
Poor James is starting to find futility in his existence here. So stoic, and yet he knows the truth about all of it.

Very effective little piece!

Jennifer Lynn Weston chapter 3 . 1/1/2009
*sniff* Poor James! He got worse than he deserved in every movie. (Good thing there's fanfics about that give him a better deal.)

Very well written.
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