Reviews for Mon Amoureux de Marrionette
Guest chapter 7 . 4/8/2015
Letah chapter 7 . 8/8/2013
I LOVE it...
But where's the rest?
The Drama? The other Akatsuki?
But still:
Nut chapter 7 . 6/20/2011
I really like the story so far please update soon!
tpfw01 chapter 7 . 10/13/2009
LOVED IT! So cute and sweet! :D
jadedfox2 chapter 7 . 5/18/2009
dude, update! this is so fucking cute! one thing u must fix...its dAnna, not dOnna. plz, fix that, it bugs the hell out of me. kk thx!
eulen-sind-nicht-cool chapter 7 . 4/25/2009

I like your story so much!

It's just awsome x3

(Please write another chapters *_*)
xXLong-lost-wolfXx chapter 7 . 3/20/2009
Heyy! I just finshed you Sasordei story, Mon Amoureux de Marrionette! And let me tell ya it was AWSOME you should keep going (and soon ;p)! Okey well i just wanted to tell you how awsome the story was and you shold keep going! Bye
Ivan Rossiyskaya Federatsiya chapter 7 . 3/13/2009
*hand desks self* UPDATTE SON!
Okarilia chapter 7 . 3/10/2009
kya! n.n!

so cute! xDD! hell yes!

n3n I love it!

keep writing please! n_n
SickZombie chapter 7 . 3/10/2009
awwesomeness! :D
SHINeeLover1232 chapter 6 . 3/1/2009
it was such a cute story,in a way,ya know,lol,its good,

is there anymore?
ThatOneCollegeKid chapter 6 . 3/1/2009
Aww that's cute! :D I love this ch! While Sasori was hiding in Hidan and Kakuzu's room and Deidara came I was so waiting for Sasori to be like "I'm so outta here" and Hidan grabbing him and making him tell Deidara. But I like urs better :D Awesome job!
Mersay chapter 5 . 3/1/2009
sasori came back! Deidara wont hate you! please!


ok im over my um...weirdness. Great story please update soon!
ThatOneCollegeKid chapter 5 . 2/19/2009
AH! OMG! You've gotta write faster! Please otherwise I'll die of antisapation! Please Please Please Please update soon!
ThatOneCollegeKid chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
HA! I love that you made it french cause I take french and I knew what deidara said and brust out laughing so bad! XD I only saw a few mistakes but otherwise very awesome job! I love it so far! :)
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