Reviews for The Twilighter Times
ConcreteAngel14 chapter 7 . 6/1/2011
My friend had the book not knowing it was so popular. Then i ordered it from the book thingys and hae been obsessed since. Im really mad thoigh cuz ive been trying to hid my obsession thinking it would be bad but now i dont give a f what people think. I mean its TWILIGHT!:) Still the same twilight lover i was 4 years ago:) Cant wait for Breaking Dawn the trailer is coming out in 5days and i will watch it religiously until the movie comes out!:)
spikeluver89 chapter 22 . 2/12/2010
I'm sad that this newsletter won't be continuing. I did enjoy reading it!

But I can understand that it was only you and your friend doing it and it won't be the same if you do it by yourself. Maybe in the future you guys hopefully work things out if by any chance.

I wish you luck with your story!
MRS.waitforit.STARK chapter 22 . 2/12/2010
well this sucks.

poor you.

but, too all your success in this story thingie, you deserve a nice "good job, you!" :P

maybe you and Sarah can be friends again? you don't have to tell me, but what even happened?

hoping that one day you may continue!

Megan Geyer
hiatus.prettymuch chapter 22 . 2/12/2010
omg what happened?
Twi-sessor chapter 22 . 11/17/2009
hey! is the ans to jake's riddle the volturi?
kdani2345 chapter 2 . 10/31/2009
great idea guys!

i absolutely love it :D

i subscribed and favorite your news papers

have a great day :)

i wish you all the best :)

please update soon
Bdichdbg chapter 22 . 10/26/2009
I juststarted readin this fanfic today and it was awesum. I'm really sorry bout wat happened with u guys. It's hard when u argue with ur best friend. Hope everything turns out ok.
crystal the optimist chapter 22 . 10/22/2009
it's okay, don't tire yourself, but i think this is something i could get into... it's a shame the moment one of my fave authors mentions you, you stop. i don't blame you though, sorry about sarah. props and paper hearts though! ~Crystalmarie.
James Savant chapter 21 . 10/20/2009
three Great stories by Anne191091: What's Married?

A New Start

A Best Friends Love
OuroborosMoon chapter 22 . 10/19/2009
oh wow thats really sad.

i do like reading your twilight times, but, considering everything thats going on, i think you should take a break. we can find our info some place else.

good luck,

Claire the Doctor's Assistant chapter 22 . 10/7/2009
im real sad
a.little.whimsy chapter 22 . 10/1/2009
Aw, that really sux! I really like this... sorry bout your frienship problems...hope they work out for the better!

Best of Luck,

0041523 chapter 22 . 9/28/2009
That's horrible. I've had a few fall outs, trust me, I know what it's like.

If you need someone to help you with the Times, I'll be more than willing to help. :)

Good luck with everything, and trust me, it will get better, I promise.
Delia Blythe chapter 22 . 9/27/2009
Aw, I used to love reading this!

I really hope you and Sarah work it out. I totally understand about disagreements between friends, and they suck, especially when it's your best friend. My best friend and I recently hit a rough spot in our friendship. See, she's hardcore Christian, am I'm, well...not. lol. So, one day she just decided it was best we weren't friends because I wasn't all hardcore like her. Luckily, after talking about it, we made up and we're even closer than before. I hope Sarah and you end up being as lucky. There's nothing like a best friend.

If things don't go as well, I'd understand if you couldn't continue. I'd really like it if you could continue though. You could have some of your readers write a few columns for you. I don't think it would be too much to ask a few loyal reviewers to pitch in. Good luck with whatever happens though!

Peace, Love, and Happiness

Delia Blythe
Keely Jade chapter 22 . 9/27/2009
Every pair of best friends have their ups and downs... I hope the best for you two!
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