Reviews for Through The Looking Glass
berry5tz chapter 6 . 9/2/2013
Through the Looking Glass, was a very well written story. I enjoyed it very much. I loved the different plot. It was different then what I normally read and I found it enjoyable. Thanks.

P.S I faved you and the story too!
ruhana.sasunaru chapter 6 . 5/25/2013
awww... i like it! the angsty part is nicely written also.. kinda makes me mad, sad, and sensitive.. hahahaha.
ruhanasasunaru chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
nice.. once i started reading, i cant stop until the end. :D
Ergolamia chapter 6 . 5/19/2011
Woow... I'm speachless.. and I'm crying. The way you write... just wow. I'm serious.. I can't even form any words just.. thank you! That was the best I've ever read! You ever top some of my favorite books.. It's flawless! wish it was longer... anyway, to sum it up.. Thank you for writing this 3
Crazy PurpleSage chapter 6 . 6/2/2010
This was really sweet in a dark and twisted realistic way. :) I'm glad it was actually accurate. When Naruto drank the alcohol I was thinking, now that's stupid, he can't drink with his medication! And then the next chapter you clear that up! Bravo! You didn't just throw something implausible in there because it's easier and sounds good.

And then when Sakura said the baby was Sasuke's, I was like, what the heck? Wasn't she abroad for awhile? That's impossible. And of course, you got that too. But you did it in a way that shows that people don't always use logic first when they're "in the moment".

Also, I loved how Sasuke could read Naruto's mind. It was so unexpected and sweet. I really enjoyed this one.

And yet again, especially with the depression addition to it, very existential. Though I'm curious if you have any personal experience with depression because Naruto's and Sasuke's relationship would probably need a bit more work than that due to Naruto's depression. Though, if he is actually able to get off his medication -which really depends on the intensity, level, and variety of his depression -then how their relationship progressed is more believable.

Not to criticize, it's constructive criticism, because you know I love your stuff!

Also, I see you spell "tray" - the piece of plastic you put food on -as "trail". I wouldn't have said anything, as it's a minor thing, but you've done a few times in a number of stories and for the sake of your English -beyond writing, I mean - I thought you'd like to know.

Anyway. I hope you know I say these things in the nicest way. It's hard to translate in writing. But I loved this story. I know I probably keep saying this, but I think this one was one of my favourites. I just loved the reality of it all. The pure existentialism of it. You describe Naruto's thoughts well.

Okay, I have to go finish making these cookies for my sister. :) And then I shall read on.

jeremy chapter 6 . 5/23/2010
i loved it, it wa so sweet if you can add more please it was new interesting and lovable
DemiBelle chapter 3 . 8/9/2009
Well, I don't know if you'll answer my question seein as this story was finished last year, but I'll ask anyway. Are they actually talking? Or are the words in quotes really the only things being said? Because from the way I read the story it seems entirely possible. And if they really are talking then why are there a few words with quotes? Just wondering. Either way, love the story.
ba-Joon chapter 6 . 7/28/2009
I find myself wondering how can it be that Sasuke actually saves Naruto? How can it last? Naruto is off his meds and for someone that has been so chronically mentally ill I can't see a future in which he actually heals and leaves the pain behind. Sasuke will eventually burn out if Naruto is unable to shake off the demon. It seems like a dream. Naruto can barely function with the meds so how can he hope to last without them? I'd like to go on with the story's ending and imagine that Naruto finds a way to just leave the pain behind using just his will and the support of Sasuke. I hope too that your friend found inner peace like Naruto seems to find.
Dark Blue Butterfly chapter 6 . 4/27/2009
ok well i haven't actually read it yet i don't have long online so i put it on a flash drive to read on my laptop. but i'm sure it will be wonderful hope you don't mind thanks! (and i'm happy you like my rambles! and your welcome for the love! hehe -)
Rush Tome chapter 6 . 3/21/2009
Wah~ I haven't been able to read this one lately! I loved how intense you made it yet still had a happy ending! You brought the story around and the ending fit comfortably, and sweetly, with the rest of the plot. I always adore that in story! Loved it~ XD
Mrs Hatake Itachi chapter 6 . 3/14/2009
Nice story!
darkmorsmordreheart chapter 6 . 1/24/2009
So, I was being nosy and read some of the much deserved reviews for this story and read the one about "creating dialogue" and I got offended, which is really weird because this is your story. lol!

I found your writing style intriguing. I've read a few stories where dialogue is not expressed through quotes and I feel that, somehow, since this story is in first person, it's right not to use quotes.

This story - the style, tone, and subject matter - was raw, really, very raw and I know how hard it is to write something like that. Thank you for giving me something on this site to appreciate.

purvy sage chapter 6 . 11/21/2008
aw... gotta love those happy endings. :-). Although, seeing how they interact in public the next day would be fun too. Yaay for a great fic! Loved all the imagery and the intense feelings it invoked.
purvy sage chapter 5 . 11/21/2008
wow, you weren't kidding about the angst in this chapter. The "peel your own skin off" reminds me of something a schitzophrenic (please excuse the poor spelling) would think up. Dark stuff... although Sasuke seems to be like a night in shining armour... saving Naruto from the great unknown.
R2468 chapter 6 . 11/20/2008
So wonderfully sweet. Don't we all wish someone would catch us when we fall? ~sigh~
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