Reviews for Jump
Zela Night chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
Are we really that cruel?
Light Shadow and Weirdness chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
Poor dib. He spends all his time trying to save the human race, and this is how they repay him?! Maybe he should just let those assholes die...
Candy x dipper chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
This reminds me of those dib haters sAying stuff
Like one said ( after reading a fanfic) " yay! Dib's dead I always hated him"
And I saw someone comment on a video about how he should go die in a hole
And a comment on another video saying saying that he could go away forever
letmedeletemyaccountchallenge chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
OOo... this is amazing...
PartyPoisonandFunGhoul chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN. You're making me hate the human race even more than I already do. Your writing is really deep-congrats, you've made my favorite authors!

Isolated Int chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
You really captured the behavior of people in the Zim universe...and in our world, sadly, as well. I like how Dib solved his problem. It's really resonant, that part about having better things to do, but wondering sometimes why the hell you're even bothering. I doubt he would try to kill himself, and that it would take a highly significant stressor(s), as well as Zim becoming a nonexistent threat (as opposed to nearly nonexistent, but still with a nonzero chance of success), for him to seriously consider it. It's well-written and a nice change of pace.
Senna711 chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
wow i actually scared it'd be another suicide fic. I like how you go deep into Dib's character. Keep up the good work.
Anon chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
This story reminded me of Sophie Lancaster, oddly enough, but more so it reminded me of the girl who's name I can't recall that killed herself over insults she had received from classmates at school over Facebook, of all things.

Stories like this stick with me the most, the ones that have such good morals, you know? Like George A Romero movies.

In short, your stories make me think. I like that.

I really, really like that.
Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Ugh, some people make me sick, specially those who have no respect for human life!.

Sometimes I wonder why Dib cares to save such assholes.

Invader Johnny Signing Off,
Dirge for the Dead chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Wow, they really *asked* him to do that? Ohmigod, humanity really *does* suck.

Plunderer01 chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
Damn dude. This is chilling. Very well done - I could easily imagine the disgust on Dib's face. I can also feel the echos of general loneliness in his life.

Anyone who would actually try to encourage someone's suicide is a murderer in my opinion.

Bread and circuses.
Nightmare Kitty chapter 1 . 12/3/2008
This reminds me of that recent story about the internet suicide and how people were urging him to do it. Sick, sick people.

I like how you presented Dib in this one, that he really WANTS to believe people are good and can move past barbarity in spite of the evidence. I hope he doesn't lose that, even after things like this happen. It would just be too sad.

But hey, at least he got a good dinner and no abuse from Gaz in this story!
Rosy Raptor chapter 1 . 11/19/2008
This was a very good fanfic. It's so terrible that a similar incident happened in real life...sometimes people (and society) sicken me. I can see Dib doing that, though...throwing his trenchcoat over the edge to fool the onlookers. It also made me mad that they would call him "emo" just because he wears black, has black hair, and happened to be on a rooftop. People are so ignorant and superficial at times. I liked the transition from his thinking about the stars in a scientific way to a more spiritual way...I can imagine him doing that. It's little things that you add like this in your stories that make the characters 3 dimensional. :)

As for typos...I didn't see any, although any time you wrote "maul" (which I'm guessing was an intentional misspelling) I thought of Darth Maul. x3
xangabell chapter 1 . 10/26/2008
That was really good for a one-shot! I didn't know that an incident like that had actually happened though. That's really sick. Kudos to you turning it into a happier ending story.
otherrealmwriter chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
Nice story. I like how deep it is like all your fics are. It is very realistic and I could see this actually happening in the series if Jhonen had free reign. Good job. :)
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