Reviews for The Wanderers
freebird2992 chapter 17 . 11/3/2013
Oh come on! I want to know what happens next! It's too good to just stop!
Athena Keating-Thomas chapter 17 . 5/24/2012
Wow, this is a pretty amazing story so far. It's hard to write about such a painful subject while handling the various aspects of the various military organizations, but you've managed it with grace. You've also put in so much detail to the fic, that I wouldn't complain if you finish it at double its length or more. ;)

I'm looking forward to seeing where you take the plot from here.
RebbieChan chapter 17 . 4/10/2012
Great chapter as always!

Really lived up to the name - so much tension! :D
Hikari Hellspawn chapter 17 . 4/3/2012
The chapters in this just keep getting better and better. Raskoph is one hell of a good villain! Keep writing!

Oh, and...try to update a bit quicker next time ;...please?
Antigone Rex chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
my my my - this is great! It's clear that collaboration goes a long way. Great descriptions and very rich original characters. I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
RebbieChan chapter 16 . 2/18/2012
I love reading this story, it's so enthralling!

Great chapter, I love the interaction between Roy and the General, it was crafted very well. Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Anarri2012 chapter 16 . 11/13/2011
u bttr update soon! i lvoed this!
Hikari Hellspawn chapter 16 . 11/9/2011
Interesting, and entertaining. My friend, I may have said this before, but you have certainly done your research for this story.

I love when Roy starts taking a page out of Ed's book and starts being an all-around nuisance and pain in the ass. Very funny.

The title is rather interesting makes one wonder who is the mystic, and who is the soldier. From Mustang's perspective, he is the soldier and Raskoph is the mystic. From Raskoph's perspective, it's the opposite. At least, that's what I believe.
Kame-tan chapter 16 . 11/7/2011
This is...a very awesome chapter. Nice and long, too. Greatly appreciated :)
mebh chapter 16 . 11/6/2011
Augh - this is so finely written and it is absolutely unbearable to wait for updates.

I have no idea where you're taking us - the reader, and it is so invigorating!

Please do try to update again soon, these hits are too few and too far between!


miladyRanger chapter 16 . 11/5/2011
*blinks in shock* Wow. I've just read this three times in a row, soaking in all the excellence, and all I can really say is "you guys are amazing." Seriously. Good job. Your characters, both FMA and OC, are performing wonderfully and always remain in character, despite the extraordinarily dark circumstances. I really love Randolph, no matter how much I hate him at the same time. He expresses so much...darkness/evil/sadism/etc and at the same time is so...wonderful. What a well-done character.

*shudders as thinks about next chapter* Our characters are in for some rough times, I think. Knew it was coming from the first time we met Randolph, but still... *shudders again* I can't wait for it!
Katy chapter 16 . 11/5/2011
This story. Just wow.

FF has been plagued with terrible fics, so it's good to see u finally updated!

obsessed this chapter
ssadropout chapter 16 . 11/5/2011
Always pleased (and relieved) to receive an update for "The Wanderers!" The fight/chase was great- Ed was perfect- but, Mustang fanatic that I am, it was the Roy-centric stuff that I live for.

Yes, Roy can understand all too well what it is like to be a minion in an army of hate. Who knows better than Roy what it is like to go along with evil while knowing how wrong it is? A conscience can be a terrible inconvenience! I volunteer in a senior center that services several Holocaust survivors. One of them, like me, enjoys attending films, and we've talked about ... issues. Surprisingly to me, he has very little animosity, especially toward the foot soldiers. Mr. G. told me that once he had managed to procure a pair of shoes that were much too large for him, but, still, SHOES. They were taken on some kind of forced march, and he could not walk quickly enough to keep up. The young soldier leading them dropped back and told Mr. G. that if he couldn't keep up, he'd have to shoot the him. So, Mr. G. walked barefoot and got his feet torn to bits, but he survived. The thing is, Mr. G. saw the soldier's act as a kindness, and I think that it really was.

But, yes, as I stated before, I really anticipated Roy's "talk" with Raskoph. Now, THAT was a stressful little game of chess. It was even better than I expected. Roy did fairly well, despite his disadvantages. He did manage to ferret out that Hawkeye was not in custody. (I loved how he thought about what she would have said to him about his uncooperative behavior.) But, back to those two wonderful minds- now that Roy has a little more information about what he faces, I want to see another "discussion" and want to learn why Raskoph wants Roy in uniform.

Your preoccupation with torture? Are you implying that it may not be normal?
eriah chapter 16 . 11/5/2011
Just as others said, this chapter was definitely worth the wait. I'm so excited to see you that you updated this. This was absolutely wonderful!
Guardian Spirit chapter 16 . 11/4/2011
I am so, so happy that you guys are still updating this. Everything about this chapter was worth the wait. Roy meeting Raskoph finally... what a scene. Great job, both of you.
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