Reviews for Elysium
DaughterofNyx688 chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
That is the saddest story I have ever read. But it is also the most beautiful
LieutenantofChaos17 chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
That is the saddest story I have ever read. But it is also the most beautiful.
FondueIsDaBest13 chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Somewhat confusing, but beautiful writing. I wish I could write like that: So much detail, the way you paint the canvas is really fascinating. And, in a writing, admiring sort of way, turns me on.

And that ending.


Just - Woah.
DaughterofChaos622 chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
Is there a song called Elysium? I love your story!
midseasonlucidity chapter 1 . 7/25/2014
Oh my gosh I loved this. The angst was so beautiful and gorgeous. Amazingly written piece, I loved the way you interspersed flashbacks with reality. It's not easy to write in this style and you've mastered it perfectly. Great job! (:
Ninja Cats and Rainbows chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
That was deep, I loved the flashback with the bolded thoughts that was great :')
Alianna3 chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
OKay, it was AMAZING, (duh) but a little confusing about what Annabeth was doing. It seemed to me that she was pretty much drowning herself- just walking into the ocean until she drowned, but then there's the part at the end about when the dryads find her.

She shivers involuntarily, but her hand does not waver. Her lips part, trembling slightly.

And I didn't really understand this part either... but it was still amazing- you have a real talent for describing things and enabling the reader to imagine the scene exactly. Great job!
vanillafrances chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
:) wonderful one-shot! I absolutely loved it! I really like the way you phrased and structured the whole story, and your choice of words definitely suited the whole piece 3 keep 'em coming!
glaggie chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Wow. Just wow. You are an incredible writer. Your writing is so detailed and descriptive that I can actually 'sense his smile, feel his gaze on her face as his lights up.'

I absolutely love it. :)
Eat.Sleep.Percy Jackson chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
it was great! but i think we would all prefer them alive...

just saying!

but yes that was really good!
electricheartswillplay chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
I really liked it, even though it's sorta sad. Really well written, and I found no mistakes. By the way, I absolutely love your user name :D
Sleeping Kangaroo chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
It made me cry. So sad. So real. However, there is s teense bit of purple prose.
bluepianos chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Holy crap and oh, my gods. This is too much too bear. It's been way too long since I've read a very well-described, beautifully-written descriptive story. I could SEE everything in my mind and the words you chose ("...a cloud of gold." I mean, WTF? Awesomesauce!), aughh, just breathtaking.

In the midst of it all, you provided enough background information (JUST enough to make you keep reading. Enough to make you want more. That's great!) to give us an idea of what could have possibly happened and what the Hades their relationship was like before he -sniff- died. (Wait. Give me a sec. It's such a sad subject. I tear up every single time. I need a tissue. /goes off in search of the tissue box)

/Blows nose.

Anyway. You also gave us the clichéd view of "heaven" or Elysium, in our case. But the way you worded it, the clearly obvious desire you shoved into Annabeth's personality was just so. sad.

Congratulations on this. This is truly some fine work.

In terms of the whole idea behind this: I think Annabeth actually WOULD want to hurry her path to Elysium. I think she got sick of waiting for something permanent after all of the betrayal she'd gone through and everyone who'd given up on her or lost faith. You know, like Luke or Thalia or whoever else had the nerve to leave her. But Percy was the one person who would always love her and who trusted her and promised he'd never leave her, right? Then, just by fate, he dies! (Not his fault, not his fault, not his fault, not his fault!) So of COURSE Annabeth would be utterly distraught by that!

This is just so beautiful. So thank you for this.
Bloom chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
Cool story but how is it teen?
KLcapps98 chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
THE BUTTON IS BLUE!and i can so see were Annabeth is coming from
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