Reviews for Bimbo Baby
erikalu53006 chapter 1 . 6/26
Love it!
CutieSOS chapter 1 . 1/12/2012
i liked this.
Fiery Dragon164 chapter 1 . 9/2/2008
phoenix-shalimar chapter 1 . 8/18/2008
Ahh yes i can understand this quite well, i often take the dumb route to life and many of my high school friends are often astounded that i have a brain.

I get why she keeps that image its always handy, who needs people knowing exactly what goes on in their mind?
Tsavorite Garnet chapter 1 . 8/8/2008
That was some good reading right there. It was brillant. It got better the more I read. I really can't express how much I enjoyed it.
InoSasulvr chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
Oops, I forgot one thing! You just need to work on spelling and grammar more. Some of your mistakes may just be you getting your ideas out quickly, so I think you should just reread once more before submitting your story. Please don't take too much offense, I really think this story is awesome!
InoSasulvr chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
I would definitely one-hundred percent say this is your best story. You really present an unconventional story about a "known" character in Naruto. I liked that you starting from the "stranger's" POV to Ino's POV to Ino's closest friends. You give a clean, smooth start and finish and also a very true moral. "You can't judge a book by its cover." Bravo! This a new favorite of mine, Lamanth. :D
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
wow...that's exactly what I feel about Ino; that people have always seen her in a certain way and can't look past her exterior. As always, good job!
AkemiYumikov3 chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
really cute! Describes Ino perfectly!
gorypaldin2 chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
Another very excelent work.

Yoruichi 'Ino chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
lmao! are you kidding?


hells to the fudging yeah! lol

ino is definately not a dumb bimbo blonde, she just makes it seem like it; very SMART kunoichi! xD

aw...i love what everyone thought of hr. *fan girl screa* shikamaru is so cute. naruto rocks. sakura is cool. kiba is hilarious. gaara! *another fan girl scream* aww...lmao! hahah i love it when you use the term "non-existant eyebrow" hahaahah

oh oh oh! sasuke is so sexy! *nose bleed* lol weird...i don't usually do that. xD aw...he loves ino! it was meant to be ever sice the academy days! he gave her that power. oh yeah! aww...he feels lonely without her. too cute. SASUINO! lol

yes...i loved it. xD

love you, bub!
pixieface Lust chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
WAH! this was so great.

oh how she basked(spelling?) in the glory of the power of deception.

geez. Ino's scary. the really scary people are the ones you underestimate.

this was...! AH cant even say,
shelvesinthecloset chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
wow, I really liked that. There were a few spelling errors, but I loved seeing everyone's perceptions of Ino. It's one of those moments were I was all, 'yes, that's it. that's exactly right. that's who she is.'

except you know, it never comes out right when I try to say it.

so YAY! awesome story.
kljjlkjlkj chapter 1 . 7/25/2008

Isn't that true though? I mean, that's all people seem to think. I don't have blonde hair, and I'm not sure I'd consider myself as pretty as Ino, or even half as pretty as Ino, but people seem to assume I'm much stupider than I really am.

They think I'm another mediocre girl, and I'm not. Shoot, no one seems to care I'm ranked number 2 in my school.

They hardly even think I'm mediocre! They actually think I'm pretty stupid!

Okay, stopping with that rant, you can see that I can connect with Ino, well not really, but I can, and this story sort of hit a nerve, knowing no one will ever recognize her, and I know how that is.

But hey! Sasuke loved her! :]
i'llnevereverknow chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
It was good! Great even! I always love the way you write Ino! She ROCKS! XD

Love, WF x