Reviews for Never Look Back
bellathedisenchanted chapter 2 . 2/12/2011
plagarism urgggh, so sorry about what happened to your poem. I'll pm you if anything grabs my attention, in regarding this story. not to worry, this is too cute for me to just smile and forget about after a few days!D
Baelzilnea chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
! that was sooooooo adorable! i really really really loved it thank you so much for writing it!1
FelipeMarcusThomas chapter 2 . 6/20/2010
It will be sad if this story comes down, but like others have said, I will understand it. I hope that you track down all those who have plagiarized your work, and expose them for all to see.
jennwrote chapter 2 . 7/19/2009
I think this was a great story, and it would be a shame if you removed it. However, I understand your predicament, and I wish you the best of luck.
emporer's scribe chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
aw! i loved it! i have a vast knowledge of C.S. Lewis's Narnia series n i still loved it! the movie is alot different from the book as caspian is about 15 yrs older then he's sposed to be. but the book was anticlimactic n the movie was deramy, but like u i was disatisfied with the ending. in my mind i wud of kept susan there n just sed she was kidnapped or sumthing but i definately enjoyed your version n was delighted at the idea of king peter II.

actually i am in the process of writing sumthing similar, im in australia n 2 of my friends r obssessed with narnia n wanted their own fanfiction where they r written in2 the movie, so im of that i am half way through doing. i tell u its hard work tho ( kudos 2 all those with 20 or so chapters in their fanfiction.
Lady of Stormness Mountain chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
First of all, you are good at spelling and description, but to put it in the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, "SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!" for not reading the books. They are much better than any movie could ever be (although the movies are good). The name Caspian Telmarine MacReady sounds a bit over the top, and as for Caspian living in England, he would probably been arrested as a spy because of his Spanish accent and appearance. During World War II, Spain did not officially enter the war, but its then-fascist government was friendly with Germany and Italy because of their assistance by way of weaponry and supplies during the Spanish Civil War in the thirties. Thus, any spaniard with no indentification or immigration records would be highly suspect as the Blitz came to an end in German failure to invade England. As king, Caspian had a duty to serve his country before himself. He could not have left, and Susan and Caspian were not meant to be together. That particular pairing is not even in the books. In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Caspian marries the girl he was supposed to be with- The Daughter of the Star Ramandu.
major.bookworm chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
Very nice! I much prefered your version of the ending :)
jc'amour chapter 1 . 7/28/2008

after a war and having some of their friends die, and all that stuff they went through to make Caspian king - he decided to abandon the kingdom?


it was a good story in the end, it's just it would surprise me after everything that happened.
mae-E chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
this was sweet.

a little unexpected, but sweet.

good work..
mars'mallows chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
After i first watched the movie, I always hoped that once the train doors opened, Caspian would be there, waiting for Susan with open arms.

Sadly, I got that nerdy guy with glasses instead of a hot Telmarine/Narnian King.

your fic made me feel good about the sad movie ending. XD
Autumnspice chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
This is an interesting and creative spin. Great job.
daisylorelei chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
aww... that's so cute! and i loved that - peter the second! lol. nicely done, especially for your first Narnia fic.
maddikinz940 chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
Wow I really loved this. great job. I love susan and caspian when they end up happily.