Reviews for A Selfless Pretense
katarinaA123 chapter 5 . 5/21
What could have been, what they both deserved! And here i am crying my eyes out
FireRed chapter 5 . 11/13/2019
Oh my god, I'm not gonna lie - I almost teared up when I was reading this chapter. Just recently read the novel and fell in love with ItaIzu. I love how you portrayed Itachi and Izumi's relationship, corporating Shisui into it. The dynamics between the Uchiha trio is truly the most amazing thing in Itachi Shinden. The anime version of Itachi Shinden was really disappointing, in my opinion. The novel's version made much more sense than it.

The last sentence - "It was time to burn it down" - gave me the chills and nearly broke my heart. Thank you for your story and hope there will be more upcoming stories involving my favourite Uchiha trios!
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
Oh goodness. Itachi's first genjustu was grossly memorable for us, the reader too! That's one scary lesson Fugaku wanted to impart on his little son.

Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15/2014
*that it would be cared for and loved, was so like him. Itachi would not do things halfway.
And it is both saddening and gladdening to think that Itachi is so good with children because he has been taking care of Sasuke, that Itachi had at least once known what being able to care for somebody felt like.
Thanks so much for sharing and hope to see more from you! :D

(this is the same anon from just now, mobile browser ate half the review)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15/2014
This one was utterly amazing, and heartbreaking. But it ended bittersweet, for Itachi makes his painful choices willingly, with dignity and without self-pity.
Sometimes the right choices are made instinctively; if Itachi had hesitated or thought about it, i think in the end he would have regretted it, and the truest deepest part of him that needs to love and protect would have died a little.
Kisame caught a glimpse of the real Itachi, and he didn't understand him. Love the details about the child instinctively trusting Itachi, beyond the cloak and scary red eyes. We say children see things clearest - to the boy, Itachi is somebody who saved him and is holding him gently and securely - but i like also Itachi won the adults over. The part about Itachi hesitating to hand the child over until he has been assured
ThePepperSheep chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
Love this fanfic - your writing style is amazing! Each chapter is so beautifully written and captures meaningful moments in Itachi's life. I can't even choose which chapter's my favorite.

I absolutly loved 'Raven'; especially his ending statement. 'Roles' was so tragic - now that I think about it, it seems like Itachi would want to be a father - darn him and his soft heart. And Shisui was exactly how I imagined him - a contrast to Itachi, but somehow shares his feelings on being isolated and misunderstood.

My fav lines:

"My god, Kiyoshi-“a quick chuckle- “you’re not actually comparing Itachi to some deranged ballerina, are you?”

(I cracked up like crazy when I read this)

“The raven is a tragically misunderstood creature- an enigma in its own right.” (Perfect Itachi-like thing to say)

“So, you think I’ve got nothing to worry about next week, then?” Itachi asked, a hint of a smile on his face. He had never been one to doubt his own abilities; he was pretty sure he had that exam in the bag regardless. But to hear it from someone as admired as Shunshin no Shisui?

He definitely wouldn’t mind the praise.

(Little Itachi is so sweet)

Great job, loved it!
Nanaki Lioness chapter 4 . 8/8/2009
I love this. I especially love 'Roles'- you captured Itachi beautifully. Well done, and thank you for sharing.
SkywardShadow chapter 4 . 7/17/2009
Wow. These are ridiculously good. They make me want to cry my eyeballs out, dangit, and they seem so true. Your characterization is

Fantastic job. I really, really hope to see more of these.
sciencekills chapter 4 . 7/8/2009
Are you planning on continuing this? This fanfic is amazing!
RakeeshJ4 chapter 1 . 4/5/2009
Man, what a dick! Fugaku deserves to get skewered for that;) Talk about straight to the nuclear option!

Still, fun story but disturbing story to read. Good job on the squeamish parts. Though perhaps I'm misremembering something, but wasn't Itachi already in the Academy at six years old, or even graduated? I don't recall.
hakanamu chapter 4 . 3/25/2009
Omigod you and I really think on the same wavelength! I had the exact same idea for why Itachi used crow (or I guess you specified them as raven here) so much in his genjutsu, why he chose it as his (probable) ANBU mask, & even the duplicity of its symbolism.

But I never thought of Itachi realizing the death represented by a crow/raven could really be his own. That was a damn nice touch!

And of course, you actually expanded the whole idea into a powerfully emotional one-shot. I don't think I could ever pull something like that off. .

So kudos for a great story! (Or stories...) Will definitely be keeping a watch out for future additions to this wonderful series of one-shots from you. :)
hakanamu chapter 2 . 3/25/2009
I think I'm in love with the back story you've developed for Itachi & Shisui. I can totally see them bonding over something like this. You've also fleshed out a character for Shisui amazingly well. Brilliant piece!
empirical Dharma chapter 3 . 3/10/2009
Poor Itachi. Poor, poor Itachi. The third chapter was especially touching. Kudos.
FlyingDonut chapter 3 . 7/15/2008
I loved this chapter! KeEp writing!
Salvaje chapter 2 . 7/9/2008
This is really good how it's from Itachi's pov. Keep it up!
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