Reviews for Jak 3: Life in the Wasteland and New Haven
Ginga no Yousei chapter 19 . 8/24/2010
"If we freaking get killed today, I'm going to kill your spirit in the afterlife." Heehee~ My newest favorite line/threat wd
Brandon Skyblade chapter 18 . 4/5/2010
Woah, new chapter while I wasn't looking! Review time then!

Quite a bit of action in this one, eh? Nothing like a bit of fighting to get some entertainment-hold on a sec.

*beats down some Heartless with Oblivion Keyblade*

That oughta do it.

Where was I, now?


Nice balance of story progression and action here and...SHE'S BACK! Oh come on, way to screw over my dramatic Metal Gear reference! Man, I'm confused now as to why she's back...NOT THAT IT'S A BAD THING!

Gah, I need something to vent my confusion towards...oh Markus!

*if ya don't mind slight character borrowing*

Markus: What is it, my head's still ringing from that last ambush...

Me: Maybe another will cure it?

Markus: Do it and the other reviewers suffer.

Me: *Bats Markus so that he's BLASTING OFF AGAIN...towards a motorcycle*

Markus: The hell is this!



Okay, mini-story over. That felt good to get back to.

Also, quick question before I leave. You guys have Skype or Windows Live Messenger or something like that so people can chat with ya? No real reason for asking other than the sake of it...or maybe just to prove to Neko who the true Keyblade Master is...nah, kidding.

See you next chapter! Also, feel free to slap me for such a long review. XD
Coffee and Twinkies chapter 18 . 2/27/2010
Well Lisa I was able to follow the story up until chapter 15 - 16. I did not catch on how Lucan escaped from his prison. I had a feeling that Lucas was not gone since you did not show his demise in the last story.

I had almost lost complete interest when Lisa “died”. I forced myself to keep going, but to see her alive and with a child. I’m quite baffled. I’m assuming that John is also Lucas’s child. Poor Lisa, I was hoping she would have her first time with Jak. Not being raped by her brother. (yikes incest!) But how old is he? If he really is Lisa’s son then wouldn’t he still be a baby?

There is one thing I’m not pleased with. The many OC’s, it’s very difficult to keep track of who is who since more seem to be added. But I do have a suggestion. (up to you to do it or not)

Another fan author of a Kingdom Hearts story called Way to Dawn, puts down each new character that is shown in the chapter their name and a briefing of who they are and what realm they are from at the end of the chapter.

Other than that the only things you seem to have trouble with is spelling and a tendency to rush to the story. I understand that you are having trouble either boredom or trouble with plots. But you don’t have to rush the story just because reviewers are begging you to keep going or hurry up. Yes they are eager to wanting to know what happens next but (if they’re smart) they know that it takes time to think a story through to be captivating and make sense.

I am willing to offer help with some of the spelling issues and some grammar. But only if you want help. If you ask for a an idea to move the plot, I might be able help but I have never written a Jak and Daxter story before.

I’m sorry you lost some of your reviewers. But I am not ready to give up on this story yet. )

Until then, I wait for your next chapter or response.

Coffee and Twinkies

Ps: The fourth wall thing is something I don’t see very often. I’m not saying I don’t like them or hate them. But they put a small smile on my face. )

If I sound like an ass in my review, please forgive me. I just like to be formal in reviews and not sound like a crazy fan girl going “zomg this story is awesome! Update god dammit update!” or something like that.
Hypermanic chapter 18 . 2/23/2010
I knew it! I knew you'd update! Sorry for not reviewing earlier, but, well, school sucks. Blech!

Love the chapter! I think Lucan's my favourite character right now. And Lisa has a child? Since when? And, of course, I musty say, Masao or Lucas, whichever you prefer, he. Is. A. Big. Fat. Ass. Maybe not literally fat, but his ego sure as hell is. *shakes fist* Big-headed jerk!

Can't wait for you're next update!

I'll be watching. XD

-Hypermanic *peaceo out*
TJFS chapter 18 . 2/21/2010
You know, I should really learn to stick with a name. TJ D. here.

Sorry for spazzing out. Yay for chapter, sadface for lack of RvB/Captain Jack Sparrow. NEEDS MORE COMEDY.
Ginga no Yousei chapter 18 . 2/20/2010
*grins* the Keyblade is the most awesome weapon I ever wanted...well besides Sephy-chan's sword. (he's going to kill me for calling him that!) I wish that Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep came out in America...*realizes something* Oh yeah, where's Aqua? (my OC in the story) I want to see that looks on Church and the others faces *trying to imagine what their faces would look* *CRASH* *growls* DAMMIT JACK SPARROW! STAY OUT OF YUUKO-SAMA'S (xHOLiC Yuuko ichihara) SAKE! *runs after him with the Oblivion keyblade in hand*

Kiba (wolf's rain): *sighs* I better get her before she accidentally kills him. *runs after me*
Nocturnal-Dayz chapter 16 . 2/1/2010
Wow, seems I've missed quite a bit since I've last read this.

Glad to see Jak finally come to grips with the past and move on. Now THAT'S the Jak we know. I quite liked the tussle the brothers had as well as the thoughts of Jhenifer about her friends; it lets in a bit more personality to your characters. I also like how you're revealing more of the overall story and it feels like it's finally coming full circle with all the answers. But now there's MORE characters added to the mix, and I almost feel overwhelmed by it all. I just hope these people aren't all super powerful as well as it makes your cast feel more unbalanced.

But based on these other reviews, this has been discontinued? D Dang, I wanted to see how everything ended, but it seems there is supposed to be a 17th chapter, but the sidebar only goes to 16. I must be missing something here.

Shame to see this story ended prematurely, but I suppose you all have your reasons...grumble grumble...
NoLongerNewhi chapter 17 . 11/15/2009
So very disapointed in the writers of this story, the story its self, and the way you all went about everything. I do think this could had been better, had you kept on and waited it out, but you just...quite. Sad really.

Again, disapointed, and sad to see this story be be gone. For good.

Just a last word...I don't like juu no more :[
Hypermanic chapter 17 . 11/7/2009
-eye twitches-

-teeth grind-

-falls off chair-

Wow...that sucks... jinxed it didn't I?

TT-TT Why, oh why must fate be so cruel? I've lost two good things at once: a good fanfic to read. And the ability to torture Markus.

Life is seeking revenge against me...

-climbs back on to chair- TT-TT
TJFS chapter 17 . 11/7/2009
A number of words are spinning through my head; The same number would justify me not using them.

I am not happy.


I see your reasons, I agree.


One of the few remaining fics that are still being written, that I was holding out for.

Another thing I was holding out for were the "Fourth wall" cracks.

So funny.

Then, I guess this is goodbye, farewell, and... damn it, I'm going to justify myself.

Fuck. You.
Hypermanic chapter 16 . 10/31/2009
YES! -does little victory dance-

Hyper: 2 Marcus: 0

Awesome chapter. Jak's finally coming out of it, eh? About time, the douche. And that plots thickening as well. Who is Masao? Who and what is his little pet? Why am I asking? Because these questions aren't gonna leave me alone till I read the whole story, which both fortunately and unfortunately, won't be any time soon. Hopefully.

Now then, before I leave. -looks up at helicopter- -nods-

-insert mad ninja attack and raining snakes on Marcus- Well, this brightens my day!

Ta. -disappears-
Ginga no Yousei chapter 16 . 10/31/2009
I'm wonder what the gang's reaction would be if Aqua placed on her Human illusion? *hugs Aqua telling her how cute she is*
TJFS chapter 16 . 10/31/2009
Daxter jumped happily on his friend's shoulder as he added, “That's the ticket!” ~That made me LOL. I seem to imagine a 1960's mother saying that...
TJay-Draggie. again chapter 15 . 8/17/2009
Did Kadar come from assasins creed? Jeez, it's four in the morning... only spare time I can haz anymore...
TJay-Draggie. P chapter 15 . 8/17/2009
Just a li'l note, It's been a hell of a while since I read this...

Back when I went by "Ratchet1to4"... XD. (R&C kicks ass. Add Ratchet in somehow...) Oh, yeah... one more thing...

TJay: *Pushes Markus down the conveniently placed staircase, screwing what ever rules of relativity to make him fall down them*

Thom: ...My self insert did not just do that...
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