Reviews for Lady of the Kogarou
Billie the fourth sage chapter 1 . 12/19/2008
How sad and sweet :(

Amazing writing, I really felt all the emotion in Kouchou, and something as beautiful as this is really rare :)
the-key-of-the-twilight chapter 1 . 7/23/2008
Very, very nicely done. I simply love stories that are centered on more minor characters since it seems that the series often forgets them once it's dug itself into some deep plot. There's not many stories, if any, about the mind of Kouchou, not just her appearance. I believe that you have portrayed her very, very well.

Kouchou is a strong woman with a lot of power, and I'm happy that you seem to agree with that. However, she really doesn't have a "real" love, just customers. I think you've depicted her desire for a true love flawlessly.

Another aspect that really left an impact on me was how you wrote about her when she aged. It's very realistic because her appearance was her major asset, and now as it's fading, she'll be... well, useless.

And so, enough of my rambling. Fantastic story! Please keep on writing more! ~the key of the twilight
mdthegreat chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
omg!did she die?