Reviews for Final Fantasy III
Luckenhaft chapter 5 . 5/24/2012
allright. another awesome chapter. ingus and refia were completely in character. this is an awesome fanfic. so where the heck are you! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE NOW! :)
Luckenhaft chapter 4 . 5/24/2012
yes! allright! horay! lunethxrefia forever! ( the sounds of a festival or a parade can be heard ) man you are really good at this you know. booya! arc is in completely in character to the max! so is luneth! and i love how you described refia! she and luneth are my favorite characters in the game. love the back story for djinn too. so look you think she is beautiful huh. :)-smirk young love is blooming i can feel it. looks like little luneth just got hit with cupids hammer of love.
Luckenhaft chapter 3 . 5/24/2012
you did awesome. everyone is in character. plus you make the story so much more emotional than the game and more smarter an more action packed. it is really good.
Luckenhaft chapter 2 . 5/24/2012
so true. i thought the water and wind crystal were the same color. it would make sense if they were different colors. and i'm happy your not a psycho fangirl. long live lunethxrefia. and hopefully no ocxluneth or ocxarc or ocxingus or ocxrefia. i think oc's paired with canon characters is just a fangirls attempt to get in the heroes pants. i realy like this story keep it up.
Luckenhaft chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
it isn't cheesy at all. it's good to see i found someone else who actually cares about final fantasy III. those fangirls don't count since they keep jacking it up. i really wish you could update this story. out of all the final fantasy III stories this one has the most reviews.
AquaMoonlight chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Wow ! Your novelisation of III is really good ! Keep up the good work ! ;D
minnielobee chapter 5 . 11/6/2010
This is the best chapter up so far! Please keep writing more, it is so amazing!
Kiyo Seishuku chapter 5 . 11/6/2009
I live your series so far. The Prologue was executed perfectly, and this is off to a good start. Most of all, I CANNOT wait until you get to the Aria arc. That part DESERVED to be fleshed out. (Luneth x Aria FTW)

Hope you keep it up.
Star-and-Phantom chapter 5 . 10/29/2009
Update this story, please, please update it, I really like this story!
Grave Destroyer of Souls chapter 5 . 10/5/2009
Hey, good job on this. Please add some more chapters! You have five great chapters already!
hellohworld chapter 2 . 6/20/2009
I swear, if no one had done exactly what you are writing, I would.

I mean you're totally right! FFI should, COULD have been stretched out into a decent story, and characters would've developed, relationships could've established. This is the only thing I had disliked about the game-it's not very character driven yet everyone still manages to bear through it. (And that's what I think is amazing about it.)

I got pissed off when I read that Square had once planned to remake the game on PLAYSTATION 2. Yes, PS2. It could've lived up to the gratious visual spectacular of FFX, but no, Nintendo convinced them to remake it on the DS.

Seriously, we're thinking cutscenes throughout the whole game showing the tension between Luneth and Ingus, the true sensitivity of Refia's female background, the would-be romance between the Aria and Luneth. Perhaps the friendship with Arc, a grouphug, manhuggle. IDK, it could've been great.

I'm sorry that I wasted your time rambling on, but I would like to thank you for this fic, I appreciate the time you have taken to write it.
Marine is hope2 chapter 3 . 5/31/2009
Yes, I think that you did quite well with everything.

Marine :)
Teh Red Mage chapter 5 . 2/17/2009
Well, it's nice to hear from you again. I really liked the chapter, and I don't think the last part was bad at all. Ingus's speech could be made even fancier if you gave him a whole "I speaketh olde English" thing (you know, like Frog) but this is good as well, since it's actually readable. Here's to hoping you update soon!
m3ch4 chapter 5 . 2/15/2009
Great to see that you have updated this story, glad to know that your attention will be on this one. Can't wait to see what else you do with the characters. Your Ingus kind of reminds me of Cyan, minus the large amount of "thou".
Reaper-Lawliet chapter 5 . 2/13/2009
You did fine with Ingus's fancy speech.

I love your characterization of Arc. He's my favorite from FFI.

Update soon!
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