Reviews for A Hard Day's Life
Christine Elizabeth chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
omg, this story is really good! plz review my story, max's secret. i would really appreciate it. thanks!

Lots of Love,

teeny xoxohh
Alice Of Her Own Wonderland chapter 3 . 4/5/2008
hey good story so far...

yu should continue it...

if u dont know what to do i can help cause i just got an idea...

u should get like max to live with lucy and jude...

yah an then i will think of more

see i have good ideas for writing i just never feel like acctually writing anything :P

so yah...i could give u ideas how to continue this story and then u could write it

good idead? if u dont like it its fine though
Bandaid01 chapter 3 . 3/30/2008's so sweet! (I know I say that a lot) nice idea for a plot twist, though! Can't wait for more! :)
amatorius48 chapter 3 . 3/30/2008
uhho, Max's is beating up doctors! eep! awesome chapter, I loved this part: "This is never going to end. I realize. They can’t fix this."

it's just so touching, and powerful, seeing as that he says it in a hospital, where they're supposed to fix people. very deep. keep it up!
YaneDirnt20 chapter 3 . 3/30/2008
Poor Maxy...
Bandaid01 chapter 2 . 3/27/2008's so sweet! I really liked it, keep it up! :)
amatorius48 chapter 2 . 3/26/2008
I'm really starting to like this story! I like how Lucy got defensive to the nurse, like not only because she thought Jude was checking the lady out, but because she doesn't want to admit Max has changed or has a problem. or at least that's what i got from it ;)

keep up the good work!
amatorius48 chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
Max is a bugger to write. cause he has to be "this" because he's Max, but he has to be "that" because he's a vet. and blah blah blah. anyway I thought you did just fine. he didn't really talk a lot in this chapter, but there will be more right? I'll be watching for it :)
Bandaid01 chapter 1 . 3/23/2008
OOH! I really like it! Sounds a lot like Max to me...I enjoy the stories that talk about his life in Vietnam, or at least the effects/affects (I never have been able to figure out which is which) it had on him. I wish they had put more about that in the movie. Thanks for the story; I can't wait for more!