Reviews for On The Other Side
Guest chapter 5 . 12/23/2014
Please write more
i really want to see how everything works out in the end!
Rfelicis chapter 5 . 7/11/2014
ok i realize that u haven't updated since 2008 and its 2014 now ; but can u please keep writing this story it is so good!
LittleRiverSong chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I DID'T KNOW THERE WAS MORE TO 'THE FINE LINE!' I'M SO HAPPY! YEAH. I Love it so far! Ergg... It's past midnight where I'm at so... I have to stop reading for today! BUT I LOVE IT!
jazzstfu chapter 3 . 11/26/2011
That baby is gonna be so beautiful! -sob-
jazzstfu chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
I'm BAAAAAAAAAAACK! Miss me? ;D 'Course you did.

AND WHAAAT! I need to start reading A/N's because I had NO clue that there was a sequel! Ack!

And she's pregnant. I wonder what the hell they're going to do now?
The Converse Queen chapter 5 . 5/5/2011
AHHHH! pleassseee update! I mean that would be really really coool if you did! And you know Idk if your story got reported or not. That would suck major if it did. I hope it didn't :( UPDATE!
The Converse Queen chapter 2 . 5/3/2011
Ahahah I loved this chapter! Although I didn't really get the elevator part when you were like She wasn't pulling away but she wasn't going forward either or something.. Anyways I loved when Joaquin came down, OMG. :)
The Converse Queen chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
ShHHHAHAHHAHAHAH! YIPPEEE! Ehhh but Cass is a little annoying in this chapter. She gets to dramatic sometimes and same with Teddy.. But you know great start other than that!
Kailen.Annastasia chapter 5 . 5/19/2010
please un-abandon this story... its really good! was the whole thing baisically going to be the same story kinda in cass's pov but please please please un-abandon this story!
lilyxoxoscorpius chapter 5 . 10/30/2009
Amazing story so far! I can't wait to see where this goes! I recently found Teddy/OC's and I love them. Your stories top my list for sure for sure! ]
ElAmorComienza chapter 5 . 10/1/2009
... speechless...

I'm dying to see Ted's reaction to all that! Seriosuly -Jeez, I must stop using this word!- I have high expectations...

I don't have the slightest idea about what his reaction should be, or how I'd like it to be, but I have a few ideas about other things...

As a reader, I'd like to see:

-Gin and Harry finding out in the ,ost hilarios way[but hold it for further after, cause it's opposed with the general feeling of this chappie..

-Teddy speaking to the baby and worrying over [too corny and sappy anf fluffy but that's what I love about pregnacies...]

-Tewd talking with Joaquin over Elle, as Elle is talking with Cassie over Joaquin...

-Casie being sick... That would be loads of fun...

I had several ideas 10 mins before, but they seem to roll off...

Oh, and don't listen to them, nor pay attention to their meaningless... They are just bitches with PMS harder than Garfield's...

Anyway, try to update soon! And it's the first time I've said that to you! lmao
ElAmorComienza chapter 4 . 10/1/2009
Awesomenes... I seriously don't know why I'm reviewing only at every second chapter, but it seems I'm too caught up in the story line...

Anyway, I love -seriously- the way you've put the flashbacks, cause we needed a few Cass POVs here, and having her simply narrating them to Ted would be corny and flat... This way is so much better!
ElAmorComienza chapter 3 . 10/1/2009
It's surprising how things turn from hilarious to world-crashing...

I really liked the first part, where they were joking up with Joaquin, and then the 'soundy' part, with all that tension... It was so beautiful!

And, of course, it was time for Cass, INDEED!

oh, and sth else I like about your character-building... Cass seems so mature in her own way, that she's into situations more and earlier than Teddy, that always believes sth and the changes it all and it's bangy! Don't worry if you don't get what I mean... I don't, either...
ElAmorComienza chapter 2 . 10/1/2009
That was fantastic! It was cool and funny and I can see the change...

You know, in the ending of the Fine line it seemed that most of the problems were solved, common for the ending of a story... But reading the first two vhaps of this, I may say that you mentally worked on that and you have "fuel" for yet another interesting story...

Joaquin rocks! Have I mentioned that?

As for the ideas and requests, I have to finish off what you have already written to place an opinion... :D
xxfhockeygurliexx chapter 5 . 5/2/2009
I really liked your first story and I love where you're going with this one too. I really hope you're working on it more because I would love to see more of ted and cass.
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