Reviews for You Don't Hear the Bullet
Guest chapter 14 . 5/23/2017
The story's not abandoned, just abandoned. Shame you had a good thing going here.
Rogen80 chapter 14 . 3/14/2014
Wonderful story! A pity it ended on a cliff-hanger. I know you said in your public announcement that you'd come back to it... but that was almost Four Years ago. I think it's safe to assume this story is dead, unfortunately. It is a pity - it's very good. If you ever do come back to it, I think it would be very worthwhile. I'd support you the whole way! :D

I hope all is well with you and your life situation. I wish you the very best! :)

Keelah se'lai,
aceofqueens chapter 4 . 11/5/2013
First of all, powder and shell guns like the ones you say the soldiers were using at the funeral do not have "more stopping power." Force equals mass times acceleration. (FMA). Mass of the projectile is not the only thing that matters. Acceleration matters too. In the case of mass accelerator weapons, the amount of speed at which they propel the tiny particles more than makes up for the fact that the projectiles are smaller. Even though they're many times smaller, they hit like they're actually many times bigger. The difference between them is like hitting someone with a pebble and hitting them with a speeding train.

Secondly, nobody would prefer powder and shell weapons over mass acceleration weapons, for the reasons I stated above. Eezo allows armor to be created with gravitational fields that make it ridiculously dense. So strong that only weapons that also use mass technology could hope to counter it. Same goes with shields. If Tali fired a revolver at the LOKI mechs, she would barely make a tiny chip in their armor. She'd need a whole firing squad of people using revolvers to bring down one LOKI mech.

Thirdly, criminals and poor people do not still use powder and shell weapons like revolvers. Guns are stupidly cheap in the Mass Effect universe. You can hear someone mentioning that they bought a predator pistol for a measly 15 credits, in ME2. It would actually be more expensive to get a hold of old school weapons because nobody mines the materials needed for that anymore. Its like how samurai katanas would be expensive nowadays.

Fourthly, in the battle of Torfan Alliance Marines were not using powder and shell weapons. By that time, they had already discovered the prothean data cache on mars which taught humanity how to use eezo and the mass effect. They found that even before they even opened the Charon relay. They already had mass accelerator weapons, albeit ones that were slightly worse than what the batarians would have had. For frame of referance, Shepard hadn't even been born yet when the Prothean ruins on mars were discovered.
Facemelter chapter 14 . 12/25/2012
God I hate it when I find fics like this only to find they died nearly 3 years ago. You are a amazing writer, this is some of the best material I have ever read on this site. I can only hope you are lurking somewhere, thinking about this work, it deserves to be finished. Though with the abomination that was ME3 I wouldnt be surpused that you up and left entirely.
Greyfox767 chapter 14 . 5/5/2012
Awwww, Just as it was getting exciting. Sorry to hear about those problems. I wish that you would continue this.
Jaely chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
You are the fifth author I found that has mislabeled which Shepard this about. You have it listed as a Female Shepard/Tali story not a Male Shepard.
Anonymous8008 chapter 14 . 11/5/2010
Hey man, I feel for you, I wish you luck, and I hope you make it through the hard times. The lord knows we've all had 'em.
Anonymous8008 chapter 12 . 11/5/2010
Dude, there's gotta be SOME lemon I mean come on. This is gonna effect the way i look at you. No im just kiddin' man, but really everyone needs a little lemon.
Anonymous8008 chapter 8 . 11/5/2010
Yes, to the Lemon. I think it would show how far their relationship has come, and how much they trust each other.
Wiggs Magee chapter 14 . 7/29/2010
Dam this been good reading
Wiggs Magee chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Aaaaww very nice D well written with good story conecpt )
Lolbunga chapter 14 . 6/13/2010
Awwh man I'm sorry to hear that.. I wish you all the best and don't worry thing will get better, people like you and your stories have helped me through the hard times so never give up my friend.
Endymion Blue chapter 14 . 6/1/2010
I hope everything's going alright in RL. This story has been one of my favorite ones of all time. Good luck with everything!
Notho chapter 14 . 4/28/2010
I hope you get everything sorted out, man. This is one of my favorite stories.
Ruinus chapter 14 . 4/26/2010
Hope you get all that stuff cleared up in RL. Good luck.
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