Reviews for The Promise
Guest chapter 1 . 1/10
Excellent story! Both exciting and emotional. Bravo!
Anonymus chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Wow... It's hard to describe, what I felt, when reading your story. It's wonderful, emotional, so full of feelings, well written. I enjoyed reading it! Sending you greetings from far-away Germany!
Westel chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Many thanks to "Anonymus" in Germany for the very kind review!
FlaFan chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
Well done!
Ryn chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
Great story!
Writerjc chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Really terrific story - I enjoyed it very much. Lovely portrait of Roy and Johnny's friendship.
Ginger S chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
I see you wrote this some time ago... I read it today... and loved it. The interaction between Johnny and Roy was so much in tune with the characters from the show. Johnny's quirkiness and Roy's little smiles as he realized how hard Johnny was trying not to rant was perfect. The deep caring they have for each other and the familiarity with each others symptoms whether mentioned or not was well described. Your OC John was a great addition. His memories of Nam fit well with his role as copter pilot. I love that this site and others have kept good stories available to read years later, and I am very glad I found this one. Thanks for sharing!
crokettsgirl chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
This story was excellent. I was near tears when Roy was asking Johnny to promise to take care of his family. I'm so glad that Roy was saved. Nicely done. Sue
epalladino chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
Fascinating story. Well written, interesting, and all were in character. Thanks, Beth
waikiki23 chapter 1 . 1/29/2008
I really liked your story. Everyone seems to have it in for Johnny. I liked the fact that Roy was in trouble this time. Thank you for a good story
DixieDavenport chapter 1 . 1/12/2008
If you like the Fire Fighter's Prayer you would love what our 911 does when we have a fallen member (Espically a Chief) It end with their tones being sounded and the say their Unit # (ie 405 Unit 1) You are now 10-7 in heaven. You have answered your last call. Basically rest in peace! It is very fitting and very emotional! I have went to both a retired Chief and his wife (our only Unit ZERO)' funeral and driven our truck out of the County for the ceremony on one occassion. If you are not familiar with this e-mail me and I'll get up with out dispatchers for it.\
es48 chapter 1 . 1/11/2008
Outstanding story! What a wonderful first 'Emergency!' fanfiction. I hope you will write many more. You captured the friendship between Roy and Johnny dead on - you must be a fan of the show also! I got all teary near the end. You almost had me at the last portion! Please keep writing more 'Emergency!' stories. I especially want to commend you for the way it was laid out for easy reading and for having the entire story written before posting it and not being one of those writers who leave us hanging for weeks or months between chapters. Kudos and Welcome!