Reviews for Uwakuchibiru ni Amai Doku
Blueberry323 chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
PLEASE UPDATE! WONDerful story ya got here! BIG FAN OF YOUR WORKS!
nicki-gurl chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
I'm so happy you're back! I was jumping up and down when I recieved the alerts.

First off welcome back, we really missed you and your wonderful stories. I hope I'll see you around more often, updating now and then... VV

Out of all the stories you revised I find this the most drastically revised one. If I'm not mistaken the earlier version had Ryoma as Fuji's target, a son of a very prominent figure or something... But now you added quite a twist. Kind of reminds me of Mr. and Mrs. Smith... Now they're both in the same line of work. I am anticipating how you would all of this out. Great chapter, you really improved in your way of elaborating each and every aspects of the story: the characters, the settings, the scenes... I love it!

I hope you update soon... And please don't make me choose because I love all you work (I'd like to request though that you work on I Write Sins Not Tragedies...)
MaryLover chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
Oh I had forgotten, I found some similarities with other shows, like 'Number 13' from Black Cat and the scene with Ryoma torturing Isegawa from the great HunterxHunter... and hey its not criticism because if you did it, they fit perfertly. I only wanted you to know what I noticed.

And why did we received alerts with the link for chapter 2? anyway, no problem, I just changed it to 1, but I was only wondering. Take care, bye
MaryLover chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
Hi, nice to have you back again.

Well, I didn't follow this story when it was first written, just the first chapters, but I did remember the first chapter and I find that this new one is darker, thus more intriguing, you did it right.

Just one thing, I don't think you'll be getting reviews, as now that you're re-writing them, the previous reviews this fic got didn't disappear, and I got the message 'this chapter was previously reviewed' or something like that, so I had to logout in order to leave you my comment. I think your idea of updating the ones with more reviews will have to be re-thought.

Anyway, good start. I wish you all the luck you deserve on the huge task of rewriting. Bye
othergirls chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
Would the numbers, by any chance, have anything to do with Black Cat?
tsub4ki chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
I like this one better Yukimura not cast as the bad guy is just a bonus point. Ryoma is so seductive in here and a bit, erm..., hysterical? He sounds a bit mad when he is torturing the guy. LOL Fuji has good instincts, if he tried to kill Ryoma he may not have escaped after all. This story is a bit darker than your other stories, but I like it all the same.

Just to be safe, the Reversed,I, and Hormones, oh Hormones are not rewritten right? Because your author note at the ending sounds like it is rewritten. I want to review for the others too, but I also want this to be updated first. *sigh* Btw, I realised that the reviews for the old stories are added up to the reviews for the rewritten stories. Are you going to take account of the new ones only?
tennisluver chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
OMG! i luv ur stories! 3
yoyo1 chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
update soon
lollipop chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
this is really awesome!

i luv the new revised one! :)
mangaluver chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
thfourteenth chapter 1 . 8/27/2009

you should update(:

so is ryoma and fuji in the same organisation?

the jobs seemed almost the same~~

oh well, update!
anime-4EVER44 chapter 1 . 8/26/2009
update soon
Niwaki chapter 3 . 7/25/2009
I love this anyway so I'll just wait
dawn chase chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
please tell me this is going to be a FujixRyoma fanfic
nicki-gurl chapter 2 . 12/26/2008
Whatever plot you do on this fic I’m sure it’ll turn out really great. So I hope you post the next chapter soon. The beginning is so strong that my mind just got blown away. I hope you resolve the plot soon and start posting new chapters because we can’t wait for the next one. Pretty please? XD
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