Reviews for Beautiful Disaster
Guest chapter 6 . 8/11
Beyond amazing. This got me into reading again. You are so talented! It felt so realllll
WatashiNoTenshi07 chapter 6 . 6/18
Please work on Chapter 7! I’m so hooked on this fic! Your writing is really incredible
WatashiNoTenshi07 chapter 5 . 6/18
This story is so well made. I really wish you’ll continue this!
Yuffie's Ninja Insanity chapter 6 . 12/30/2019
This was intense!
Mistress0Scar chapter 6 . 11/4/2019
Oh my gosh! I hope to see an update soon!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/15/2019
Please update this masterpiece. Its been so many years but this still remains one of my favorite kakasaku.
Vhaidrin chapter 6 . 9/23/2019
I enjoy the character development and portrayals of their suffering in a believable way. It's not always done as well. I do really hope you are able to finish this story when you can. It's very captivating.
JHigg chapter 6 . 9/4/2019
Really wish you'd come back and complete this fic. I have loved reading it and need some closer ;)
kagomeLove2 chapter 6 . 6/1/2019
I love this story. The seriousness of the topic and the development of Sakura.

Well no more chapter 7? How come? How sad. I hope to read it soon.
50blades chapter 6 . 4/16/2019
I really feel for Naruto and Hinata. Naruto's involvement in Sakura's recovery is such a gray this story,Kakashi is next in line for hokage until Naruto is ready). Ironically it seems Naruto and Kakashi are handing off their torches. Naruto is progressing toward Hokage, and Graffiti is alluding that he is amazing Kakashi to take the mantle in Sakura's recovery.
I loved the line that said although Kakashi was a humble man, he liked to take credit for everyone else's mistakes.
Naruto calling Genma the wrong noun (I don't want to give it away for other readers), had me howling.
This is a great story. I would happily welcome a continuation. Thank you for this wonderful story. It made me think deeply.
50blades chapter 5 . 4/16/2019
I absolutely loved the passage when Kakashi visited the cenotaph. His thoughts about the presence and intrusion of her name was thought provoking.
I adore give you wrote Sakura in the ANBU camp before she was captured.
The sharp contract between then and Sakura's present state of mind is incredible. Her altered personality is slowing the suffocation of the PTSD. The PTSD is raging and coming at her like Sakura at Kakashi's throat.
On a lighter note, Imo and Shikamaru are so adorable. I love pregnant Ino.
50blades chapter 4 . 4/16/2019
Sakura and Naruto's relationship is so intimate and devastating, yet hopeful.
I really connected with Sakura's feelings that she had tricked everyone into thinking she was 'normal.'
There are some dayswearing the mask of okay, when you can't explain why it's not, why you can't get over it, that makes seeking in person social interactions hard. I know I've hit an especially challenging time when interacting online is overwhelming.
I love how you wrote Naruto. I love his depth. I feel like your characterization did him justice. I enjoyed this chapter as well.
50blades chapter 3 . 4/16/2019
My teeth are clenched with fury and my eyes sting with tears for or the torture Sakura endured. This chapter was really intense. I weep for people suffering from trauma. I am ashamed I didn't realize how much other people suffer. Thank you for this eye opening chapter. This is a hard story, but one that needs to be told. n
50blades chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
Poor Shikamaru. Kakashi's dedication to his friends and comrades is constant.
50blades chapter 2 . 4/16/2019
I am really curious what happened to Sakura. Kakashi and Genma's argument was well written.
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