Reviews for Going Home
Bronze chapter 1 . 9/26/2019
when I first saw this title I just knew it was MoooRon awaiting her in death. Regardless of what JKR wrote, I just couldn't see such an intelligent woman as Hermione marrying that looser Weasley. He had no true loyalty to either of them. In the first book, he faked an injury so he didn't have to go any further with Harry and Hermione to save the stone. Second-year he turned on Harry because he spoke Parseltongue. Third-year when Wormtail faked and framed Crookshanks MoooRon bought it without question. Fourth-year he again turned on Harry when his name came out of the goblet. After the first event, he made a half-assed apology to Harry. Son with a record like that, why would Hermione consent to marry him? When you also add in just how lazy he is and that once they had married he'd expect Hermione to be a stay at home witch while he worked to earn money. But with his record in school what job he'd qualify for is beyond me. Please remember that Hermione had to constantly nag him to do his homework throughout the school years. With a work record like that he doesn't even qualify for any job in the ministry. Even they have standards! And the Weasley's don't have the standing in the political world to get a job doing nothing. Which is pretty much what he does qualify for! So I knew it'd be Harry awaiting her.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2019
It's very nice. But i really hate it when they write how long they have been apart more then a decade it is so cruel. I would think how close they are they die not far from each other and not a life time later
tyrannicpuppy chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Cute and heartwrenching all at once.
Guitarsquatch chapter 1 . 4/6/2017
Stories like this alwa u s make me cry and I keep reading them. The thing that really makes it sad is how many years she had to live past Harry.
AlexiCyn chapter 1 . 9/24/2015
Short. Bittersweet. And rather wonderful. :) I love that she visits with Harry in her dreams. So many years without her mate, but she had a family she needed to be there for. I can imagine her not giving in, and going over until she was sure, until THEY were sure their family was rock solid and there for each other.

I imagine Harry being taken in the line of duty or some such. Perhaps as an auror, or just simply trying to save someone that needed the help. That was a big part of who he was.

It's hard, but it happens. My father passed January of 1990. My mother has never remarried. Only had one brief relationship since then, and misses my father as fiercely now as she did then. Life has to go on, even when we don't want it to. I just wish I could be there to see her face when they meet once again. :)

This is a lovely little fic. Moving, and marvelous.
Hobbyfarmer chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
Harry dies at 56 oh my and Hermione lives another 74 years poor thing
IcySneasel chapter 1 . 4/13/2015
Great little fic, just curious why you had Harry die so young. Hermione was 'alone' for a long time.
The Ghostly Minion chapter 1 . 3/27/2015
A nice one-shot, similar to a few I've read that reversed that, with Harry being the one to rejoin his beloved. This was nice, evocative, melancholically sweet.

It is a pity Harry died so young. One minor correction is that Hermione was born in 1979.

D. Page Robin
Noble Korhedron chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
*tears up* At least they had a good run! :-(
Snuggle Kitten chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
I am really sad that Harry lived to only be 57.
Great story!
Dragon de la Muerte chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
Well written. Cute.
Toby860 chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
treat but i have one issue with the story. i think that you have them seperated for too long. you had them seperated by 74 years. personally i think that you should of put it at mabye 10 and called it good. please correct that.
SnuggleKitten69 chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
Having, only a year ago, watched my mother take her final step before heading off to the next great adventure, and seeing the impact of my lover's grandmother also depart, made this bittersweet to read.

You did well in your telling.

Thank you
The-Resident chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
Stories like these affect me greatly. I was tearing up even before I was halfway through. Anyone that can write a story that brings out the reader's emotions with their writing is well worth reading. Well Done!
Diamond-Crest chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Heartwrenching yet beautiful. Oh damn the emotional tense, I feel like crying... You never fail to amuse me!
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