Reviews for Like a Song in the Soul
Penelope Valentine chapter 18 . 2/15
I’ve absolutely loved this, and I’ve smiled all the way through reading it. It has a perfect ending, and I love that Tracy didn’t tell Link she loved him back - I love that he has to earn it! Thank you so much for writing and sharing - this is totally groovy!
rochsmell chapter 18 . 3/16/2018
So I know it's been 10 years since you published this, but I'm on a hairspray bender and LOVED this fanfic. Very well written, insightful and emotional but also a great story. Thanks for writing and sharing it xx
Rachel Smith Cobleigh chapter 18 . 9/18/2017
I liked this exploration of Link's slow awakening, and nice job bookending it with Tracy's perspective. Amber was a bitch, but you gave her some humanity, too. She became a little more complex. I loved how you made Link's full name be "Lincoln". That made so much sense! And his growing awareness of the housekeeper was a lovely way of showing how he was waking up. Nice moment with Mr. Turnblad and his odd speech cadence. :) This story feels a little slow and repetitive and fractured, without any of the movie scenes to help it flow together, but you gave us some good insights into Link's character and his evolving frame of mind, so kudos to you!
DannySamLover20 chapter 18 . 11/6/2011
awesome job! :D
Your Oasis chapter 12 . 8/22/2011
I really wanted to read Like a Song in the Soul: Push, darn it. This chapter is good though, it shows Link's other side.
Your Oasis chapter 9 . 8/22/2011
I love that everyone changes a bit when they're around Tracy. It's just how she is, effervescent.
Your Oasis chapter 8 . 8/22/2011
Tracy is such a great friend.
Your Oasis chapter 5 . 8/22/2011
Oooh, I love this! Someone's heart is a-changin'. ;)
Your Oasis chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
Wow, this is great! Itching to read more. I love the way you described Tracy's feelings. It sounds like something she'd say.
catsare1 chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
this story is one of my major favorites i have it all printed out becuase i love it so much. write more trink related stories. your really good!
Serena530 chapter 18 . 10/13/2009
Ah. This story was sweet and insightful. I always wondered what Link's version of things would be. How he dealt with Amber and her mood swings and sutble punishments for not giving her enough attention. Oh and I liked the part with his father. I don't think they showed him the movie, at least not the version I saw, and I think they only mentioned him once in passing. But still, I can imagine his father being like that. Greak writing.)
Jade-Max chapter 18 . 1/1/2009
Well, I -was- going to go back and review each chapter; but I couldn't stop reading it.

The "M" companion piece is what brought me to read this and am I ever glad I did.

This story is a natural progression of Link as a character with an excellently realistic portrayal of what he could have been going through and experiencing. Unlike most Hairspray "quickie" fics where Link suddenly has an epiphany and drops Amber like a bad habit, you incorporated into your story the fact that he and Amber have a relationship.

not only did you incorporate it, you also portrayed it and the relationships Link has with the rest of the "council" in such a manner that it was not only believable, but a natural extension of the movie.

Kudos to you for taking a difficult character piece and turning it into a fantabulous read. I, for one, really appreciate how much detail you put into the development of the Link/Tracy relationship. You gave it a natural progression that felt real and not at all rushed; you gave Link depth and made him more than just "that guy" Tracy's floored over.

I love this piece and will recommend it to friends who enjoy Hairspray as a natural addition to the movie :) Well done.
Owl Emporium chapter 18 . 10/18/2008
Oh my god, that was SO GOOD! I really loved this story; it was nice. It barely had dialouge, which was a nice change. (: Great job...I was lookin' for a story just like this. :D

teehouston chapter 18 . 10/1/2008
I Adored this story! I So wish it wasn't OVER! :) OH and love your others too!%)
NerdySuperman chapter 17 . 7/21/2008
heys first off i apologize for not reviewing each chaapter but from me its a compliment. Your story had me so hooked i couldnt stop as soon as i got to the bottom of one chapter i eagerly needed to see what happened in the next so sorry bout not reviewing but check it. If you aren't writing real stories like not fanfics but your own novels your crazy because your wicked good.
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