Reviews for 10 Reasons to twitch
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 10 . 11/27/2015
I hope you got your wish of someone crying cuz it sure as hell wasn't me. Now I want to make it clear that this story isn't horrible and it's pretty alright for a sequel. But it is very disappointing due to the belief and false description. I, and I'm sure others, were lead to believe that this would be exactly as you described it. A continuation of the first story in perverted humor but in sev's pov as he discovers something about harry that he likes that only occurs in certain circumstances that he attempts to create more of. Given that it says twitch in the title I assumed it would be like an eye or eyebrow twitch, his lips twitching, a foot, nose or something. And that it happened in response to something like severus' voice saying certain things, his mind just as it goes into the gutter, when he is amused or shocked, or something along those lines. In the summary you put severus plays around as revenge for harry making him blush so much. At first I thought this meant he'd be more playful in the bedroom or more of a cock tease or whatever. But after the first couple of chapters I worried that it was really going to be about sev becoming a cheater. That thankfully didn't happen but the fact you made him unable to comprehend what he said was wrong just made him out as a big inconsiderate dumbass when you established he wasn't in the first story. This entire story as a whole was hardly funny at all. It was more of a strange angsty drama. Draco was just all over the goddamn place with baby daddies and crushes. And just having him mysteriously dead at some point in the span of 16 years is hardly what I'd call a tear jerker when we weren't really invested in him, made to dislike him due to his last scene we read him in, and we have no clue as to why he's dead or when he died. Which makes harry's line of "he's only a memory " or the fuck ever he said something I just kinda rolled my eyes at. It could be taken as disrespect to Draco's death even because he isn't being mourned but is viewed as something easily forgettable, like a memory. There's other things that bother me logically or expectation wise. Like the painful for babies shock sev experienced on the babies toys being brushed off as a baby monitor? Are you fuckin kidding me? Or how harry gets all hysterical about how he didn't welcome Draco's advances despite it being obvious sev was aware and knew since he immediately chewed Draco's head off. Then there's the weirdness of hermione and ron disappearing completely from the story even though hermione's supposed to be at the school too as a teacher. And some other things and stuff. That was pretty much all I wanted to say. Good day to you!
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 9 . 11/27/2015
Omg why wouldn't harry and sev still be together? Obviously Harry is about to deck draco in the face for that shit. And why is severus' first thought that Draco is trying to hurt their kids? My first thought was that one of the babies did accidental magic in a fit. is this in any way humorous like the first story?
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 7 . 11/27/2015
What. The shit. Draco?!
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 2 . 11/27/2015
Ok good. Cuz this wasn't humorous. More worrisome really.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 1 . 11/27/2015
...I'm sorry but where exactly did Harry twitch in here? I only saw him looking ready to cry and stuttering. 2 very different things.
emogirlz chapter 10 . 8/3/2015
Your made me cry! D: why did Draco have to die?!
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 10 . 7/21/2015
Huh? I honestly have no idea... the story was good, but the last two-three chapters are confusing- please explain.
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 9 . 7/21/2015
wtf. *blinks* -M
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 8 . 7/21/2015
HA! I KNEW IT! DRACO IS IN LOVE WITH HIMSELF! *reads end of chapter* *smile drops instantly* -M
Snarry Potter chapter 10 . 9/24/2014
loved it cant wait for the oneshots
delete-account-please 5667167 chapter 10 . 8/25/2014
Impressive story really liked it off too read The Narcissist.
delete-account-please 5424271 chapter 10 . 7/19/2014
Splendid story really liked it off too read The Narcissist.
delete-account-please 5237847 chapter 10 . 7/14/2014
Incredible story really liked it off too read The Narcissist.
delete-account-please 5708839 chapter 10 . 7/14/2014
Fantastic story really liked it off too read The Narcissist.
delete-account-please 5149757 chapter 10 . 7/11/2014
Marvelous story really liked it off too read The Narcissist.
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