Reviews for Sexy Was Never Gone
flare-hugs chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
oh my back suits sasuke!

this is the first time i've read something like this!

this means that orochimaru teaches sasuke to dance while he's at sound? that is hilarious!
Blue Polka Dots chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
Hilarious! I loved it! I wonder, if Itachi and Sasuke had a dance off, who would win? Anyway, great job!
ThEpOwErOfYoUtH chapter 1 . 4/20/2007
...Omg... WTH? LMAO! Dude, that was so randomly hilarious... Haha! Good job!
rockdogravi chapter 1 . 4/19/2007
Armaggedon has indeed come.

Meghan'sSuperCoolUserName chapter 1 . 2/2/2007
(shaking umcontrolably) there is nothing that get's better than this, oh my GOD! Dance off? hehe and then that oh so dramatic moment with Neji, you have got to be... well the most wonderful writer on the big blue planet we call Earth! hehehe i sware, i think i had to get off of the floor like three times in your story b/c i couldnt controll my laughing again, dang.

you have got to give me some of those freakin chemicals... they make your fics wonderful!

jk, i aint no druggy

gaar conquers all... you know that already... hehe
bobalina chapter 1 . 2/1/2007
AUGH. Just...AUGH. Keep writing, though!


Insane Jounin chapter 1 . 1/14/2007
Hilarious. That better be how Sasuke's inevitable return plays out. -shakes fist at Kishimoto-
saidtheirnevers chapter 1 . 1/13/2007
I'm bringin' sexy back... My friends and I were singing that on the bus while we were on tour! LOL. And thank you for the review on MY page. Your stories are very good when you're cleaning-product high.
Ducky McQuack Quack chapter 1 . 1/13/2007
OMFG. I LOVE this! Dancing...heh heh...Itachi...Dance off...heh heh heh heh...Sasuke dancing to Sexy Back. xD -dies-

OMG you...kick ass -bows down-