Reviews for Cold Call
Maverickson chapter 1 . 5/19/2009
It doesn't even matter that it's short- I could read this until I memorized it and I would still continue to read it over and over.

I feel this way about most of your fanfictions.
WyntreMalfoy chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
*cries* OMG.
Nigiri Ashika chapter 1 . 12/2/2006
that is something house would definitely do, and knowing that gives me insight into mself. if i was in his position i would do the exact same thing... i wonder if people who were generally normal before being traumatized by something do that?

because us maladjusted people surely would.

Lerrinus chapter 1 . 9/9/2006
Oh my goodness, how sad! Last line was the best, where did you get the inspiration for this ending to Standoff? Very nice, a perfectly written tragedy with just the right amount of House-angst!
Mondeo chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
Absolutely love it, you nailed House's character and it makes perfect sense. Just amazing.
Angelfirenze chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
This one was recommended to me by KidsNurse. I'm glad she pointed it out. It'*whimpers* I wanted to find a fic where House is left after Jimmy dies and you delivered beautifully. Thank you. *blinks*
Mrs Ronald Weasley chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
That was good. Sad, but beautiful alternate ending to Standoff.
KidsNurse chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
Okay, so I absolutely *do not* do death fics. I. Just. Don't. Unbreakable personal rule. But then, I see the name of one of my favorite authors attached to this one, saying it's an alternate ending for one of my all-time favorite stories. So I break my own 'unbreakable' death-fic rule and wander on in to 'Cold Call'. And I am so very, very glad that I did.

This was just absolutely amazing. It makes perfect sense. It's in character, to the point of creating crystal-clear visualizations for the lucky reader. And the poignancy and sadness of House's current situation sneaks up slowly-it doesn't slap you harshly in the face, demanding that you feel sorry for him. It happens so gradually, so naturally, that I ended the fic feeling sorry, not *for*, but *with* House. This story is a true winner on all levels-thank you.

love and music are forever chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
Wow...I have absolutely no complaints about this fic (rare for me). Hee hee. This is amazing! I love it! It went right to my favorites list. I love the guilt that House is obviously feeling. It's very well written and I love that he's picking up the phone and calling anyone he can.'s wonderful. I think i'll go read it again.
Charlie Snipe chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
It's really good...It is so House-like...You kept his voice really well.
RNwannabe chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
OH! That makes me want to cry!
pat chapter 1 . 8/4/2006

that was really was so dark, yet it left me with something of a smirk on my face. Very well written!
willywonka3435 chapter 1 . 8/3/2006
...That seems exactly like something House would do. I didn't realize what the phone call was about until the end.

Poignant-and my eyes are still damp. Thanks for writing it.
XxPyromaniacxX chapter 1 . 8/3/2006

that was great

poor house :(

it seems him to tell random people about jimmy's death and his love for him, rather than people he knows

great job