Reviews for Dreams
Dangerpro chapter 1 . 1/16/2008
that's so sad, I wish there's more to witch hunter Robin series... this is amazing!
Shannon chapter 5 . 1/5/2008
It's Amon, of course. :D I believe there are subtle hints in the show that link Karasuma and Amon... KARASUMA HAS A CRUSH ON AMON! *laughs insanely*

I've read the rest of this amazingly well written fic, and I found it very good :)

Suggestion: the Chief. :)
SpiritFoxx chapter 8 . 11/11/2007
i love the idea! it's a great idea to see what the characters are dreaming. I love the story as well and can't wait until you post more! are you going to post more? please please PLEASE do! can't wait to read more!
Ubiquitous Jade chapter 8 . 11/9/2007
I love the amount of feeling you can get across in your little dreams - I feel like I can actually see what's happening!

Very IC. Thank you.
katie janeway chapter 8 . 10/29/2007
*Grinning from ear to ear* I loved it! Poor Michael, though...nightmares that bad take a bit to fade...
katie janeway chapter 7 . 12/6/2006
*Giggles* I love these! It was fairly easy to picture them all, as well...except this one - somehow, I just can't see Miho and Robin in schoolgirl uniforms, though Doujima is surprisingly easy to imagine.
superbored chapter 7 . 6/8/2006
I like your story. It's not often you see a person write about the dreams of the characters.
palki chapter 6 . 4/19/2006
dat was real good..specially the amon part
Macmac chapter 2 . 3/29/2006
wahaha. sorry, my bad. I forgot to read the chapter title.

Anyway, i like this one too, though I really have a hard time picturing Amon as a kid. What a tight-ass, a cute ass sure, but way to tight.
Macmac chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
I like the imagery and all but I just wish there'd be a bit more clues who the characters are. Reading this, it could be anyone.
young wiccan chapter 5 . 3/28/2006

m really baffled as to who the man in Karasuma's dream is
Moonsister chapter 5 . 3/28/2006
Someone she doesn't work with most probably. Someone with an education or something...hehehe. Like a book store owner or something. Really good, I've been enjoying your line of thought here.
Moonsister chapter 4 . 3/23/2006
LOL that was really funny!
IthilienJajuka chapter 3 . 3/22/2006
I like the parallelism in Robin's dreams, and Nagira's was absolutely hysterical. You've certainly tackled all of the characters accurately, and I'm waiting to see what you plan on doing with the other hunters.
delectate chapter 3 . 3/22/2006
LOL! Nagira dreaming about pachinko just cracks me up! _
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