Reviews for Thief of Hearts
randifrnZ chapter 2 . 10/23/2013
Oh my god, you totally broke my heart with this. I love it so much in the heartbreak kind of way. This is fantastic! I was a little iffy at first since EdwardxWinry is defiitely an OTP of mine, but your writing was so great that I didn't even mind the EdwardxNoa.
HoliMoliCow chapter 2 . 1/21/2010
Its really really good! Made me cry :'(

I doubt your gonna update, but i'd love it if you did! )
OldSchoolOldSchool chapter 2 . 7/21/2009
Is this done? IT SHOULDN'T BE. I LOVE IT. You are a great writer, good job.
Nautica Dawn chapter 2 . 2/16/2008
Wow. I really love the way you've written this. This is by far one of the best written FMA fanfics I've had the honour of reading. I look forward to the future chapters of this.

-Hikari Adams
Victorita9 chapter 2 . 3/25/2007
this is so good! i really like it please continue
PLady chapter 2 . 1/28/2007
now that one makes me cry a lot! I hope you continue soon!
aka Arashi chapter 2 . 10/18/2006
Gah! That hits me.. Right Here *taps chest* You can't help but pity Noa, even though she knew it was coming and never had any expectations or disillusions about what her and Ed's relationship was or could become.

And at the same time, I can't help but pity Winry! Well, that's the major feeling I walk away with every time I watch the movie. That feeling alone inspired me to write FMA. Especially after seeing the OVA Kids. Whatever happiness Ed finds in our world, it does nothing to dispell the fact that he took away Winry's chance at happiness. That's something I don't forgive Anime Ed for doing. In his own mad desire to keep his own happiness at bay, he took away Winry's chance and the happiness of so many other people in the Alchemy World. That's one more thing I Love about the Manga. Manga Ed has already realized that even if he wants to punish himself and live miserably, that sadness will affect those around him. He Owes it to other people to try and find happiness for himself. Manga Ed would never leave Winry forever.

Poor Winry! And Poor Ed for having to meet her real world shadow... no matter what ever comes between them, she's NOT Winry and he would never let himself forget that. He owes Winry that much... keeping her memory sacred and in his heart...

Where's part 3?
aka Arashi chapter 1 . 10/18/2006
Thanks for the recommendation to check this one out! I would have gotten to it eventually, but with everything on my plate, it might have taken a while. And what a shame it would have been to put off reading this work of art!

I really love the idea of Noa basically standing in Winry's place, providing Ed what he needs as a man, both emotionally and physically, but not overstepping the bounds... No matter what Ed will ever feel for Noa, it has always been Winry that he wanted. Due to Ed's very nature, he cannot allow himself to actually HAVE what he alone wants for himself... *sigh* What a great character, and what a great exploration of the complexity of Noa and his relationship. I don't despise Noa as I'm sure many fans do, because I see her for what she is and what she represents to Ed. And YOU'VE captured that beautifully! Thanks for the review replies and I look forward to future correspondence! If you have a bit of free time, I'd love to hear your take on what I've started contributing to the FMA fandom. It's EdxWin and right now, it's full of angst (though it will start to lightening up! I'm 20 chapters in and going strong).

Ok, off to the next chapter!
Emily Elric chapter 2 . 6/20/2006
I really like this Please update!
Amber Ashes chapter 1 . 6/7/2006
That was amazing, the way you write is so flowing and natural! Plus, I love Ed/Noa. And the way you portrayed their characters was perfect.

Man, I must've looked like a zombie while I was reading this! I couldn't turn away!

Psycho Lullaby chapter 2 . 5/15/2006
Dear God...I'm on the verge of tears. You are a master with words! There is this steady flow throughout each of your stories and while some people falter by the end, you always deliver the most perfect conclusion ( I use that term loosely _ ) Really, "His blue-eyed dream" *sighs* Absolutely beautiful. This update has just made my day.
Miss Woodford chapter 2 . 5/14/2006
YAY! An update! Noa has to be seeing an alter!Winry, correct? Edward understands what alters are, and maybe Alphonse does too, but does Noa? (BTW: Does this mean updates of "Branded" and "Equilibrium" are coming soon?_
Rashaka chapter 1 . 2/26/2006
Lovely. I've been looking for Ed/Noa fic for a while. Thank you for posting this one. And for handling it so well!
Psycho Lullaby chapter 1 . 2/13/2006
Yeah...I can't stop reading your stuff now. It's so tragically poetic. I envy your talent in writing. *cries*
sexy-almost-evil chapter 1 . 2/8/2006
This story was soo sweet! I enjoyed it very much. You did a wonderful job on it.
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