Reviews for Of Alchemists and Mutants
Monster King chapter 13 . 4/30
Awesome please continue
Edward chapter 13 . 11/8/2017
If only Kimblee and Gambit could meet with Kimblee introducing himself by blowing up an innocent person.
Mental Incapacity chapter 4 . 7/29/2017
nice myth reference pal.
King of fans chapter 8 . 1/18/2017
Ok that's a plot twist, but it explains why he wants them so much.
By the way grate job with magneto.
King of fans chapter 7 . 1/18/2017
Ok now is getting involved!
Good chapter
King of fans chapter 6 . 1/18/2017
Ok they have no canter to juggernaut
Coolc341 chapter 4 . 10/16/2016
I do like it, but I find Ed incredibly ooc. He's such a d*ck in this. While he can be rude and gets angry quickly, he's not the idiot as you portray him to be. Not to mention that while he does have some anger issues, I doubt the reaction in the scene is how he would actually react. I don't think his first reaction to Kurt would be 'WHAT IS THAT THING!?'. Other than that, I really do like the fic. Great job!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/4/2016
Update anytime soon?
meep15 chapter 13 . 6/24/2015
I hope yer continuing this story.
DGtnsl chapter 13 . 6/1/2013
Well, I'm glad that Hughes and the others are okay. that trap for Sabertooth was pretty good. Anyone ever told you that your really good at action scenes? well, you are.

Oh I can't wait for the tension that's going to occur now (between the X-Men and the Brotherhood). It should be fun to see what Phillips does as well.

Poor Winry; she's probably worried sick.
DGtnsl chapter 11 . 6/1/2013
Oh no! Hughes! I hope that Ed can get to Sabertooth in time, and then secure him like Al did. Speaking of Al, I wonder when he's going to be able to lead the X-Men to the castle. I get the feeling that the man in the white coat in town was one of the X-Men, Gambit maybe? But wouldn't it be funny if it was Kimblee? Somehow I doubt that though; Kimblee's it bit too battle-hungry to just hang out in town instead of watch and/or participating in the charnage.
Mustange vs Pyro, how I've waited for that.
OtakuWithHazelEyes chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
I love how you threw in the Infinity Gems into this. Nice work!
Leonard L. Church chapter 4 . 1/26/2013
I wonder what Magneto thinks about working with someone known as "The Fuhrer"?
Notableword chapter 4 . 12/1/2012
The premise is interesting enough, however I believe that your portrayal of Ed and the power levels are quite askew; The characters have become caricatures of themselves.
Ed is quick to anger however he isn't an idiot, quite the opposite he is genius, though an immature one. It just seems that you aren't doing the characters of FMA justice, though the mutants are powerful they lack range that alchemy possesses. I will accept Mustangs loss to Pyro as a wish to hide his true capabilities, since it is quite within his range to simply change the gasses to a non combustible one thereby nullifying Pyros ability to control flame (since he isn't able to create it).

Sadly it seems that this fic despite many other positives has been affected by the traditional faults that usually lies in crossover; power levels and characterization (especially when the two worlds are different in genre of theme)

Hopefully you as a writer will take my review as a critique and not as a flame since this really has great promise.

TrisakAminawn chapter 2 . 4/18/2012
...but why didn't Mustang set Sabretooth on fire when he still had the advantage of range and before the guy had the chance to hurt any more of his precious subordinates?

Magneto's power is more like a homunculus ability than anything else that exists in the setting, but they really only have strange bodies. He is wholly alien. Hmn.
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