Reviews for Who am I?
PrettyBird chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
Um its been like 3years, when r u gonna finish this. i would love to know what happens next please.
QueenOfSuperheroes chapter 2 . 4/1/2010
this is so good. u need need 2 write more. omg the roy and garth lip actions, wat's jade gotta think? lol
Don't Forget. 3 Oct 11 chapter 2 . 10/24/2009
REally good story! you NEED to continue
SFMRKSKJ chapter 2 . 9/7/2009
This had SIXTEEN chapters! (Desperately wishes to read the rest of the story...)Anyways, I think the kiss was to scare away the fangirls, yes? He seemed awful frantic. As for the moth bit, I love moths, I want dust powers, I love the fact that the rumor mill couldn't process a bit of superhero antics during lunch as opposed to on a roof. May you finish revisions soon, because I am falling apart and my breath is bating itself. And I MUST know what those reviews meant. I beg of thee.
4w43wre chapter 2 . 8/17/2009
Haha, Mr. Parker as in Peter Parker/Spiderman the science teacher suggesting a report on bug bite reactions when a spider bite gave him his powers. Ha. On the topic of the spider... Does anyone know where it went or why it bit him? I seems to me that a spider with the agression to bite him without much provokation and fell off could have bitten someone else in the museum at the time and their could quite possibly be more infected people who never thought to use their new "talents" the way Spiderman did. I've got some bizzare theories about that thing, but since I have no clue where the spider ended up I don't know accurate it can be.
Anonymous chapter 2 . 4/11/2009
I really do hope you plan to continue this story. It seems like it could be great, it's just up to you to finish it.
theKRITIC chapter 2 . 1/26/2008


That made me happier than it should have. :D
rgfawkes chapter 2 . 12/7/2007
Their teacher, who had been watching with amusement from his desk, now spoke up. “That could be a good report, guys.” He said with a small grin, “The chemicals that can cause strange reactions from bug bites…”

The partners glanced at each other, and then shrugged. It was better then anything they had come up with and having a topic would mean even less contact would be necessary. The boy grinned again, and looked at their teacher. “Yeah, that sounds cool. Thanks Mr. Parker!"


That part totally delighted me the comic nerd I am! :D :D :D
samuraigurl1213 chapter 2 . 8/31/2007
This chapter was laugh out loud hilarious.


For one thing, the dick comment had me midly amused. But the Mr. Parker joke? That had me cracking up.

I don't really know why that struck me as so funny, but it did.

I also loved Gar, and his litle moth obsession by itself. Even without Mr. Parker. ;)

Besides the lovely amounts of humor, I can tell this story is quickly cooking up to something very well written, realistic and all togther awesome.

And I plan to be there every step of the way.

iuyf0v chapter 2 . 8/31/2007
wow, when u said rewrite i wasnt happy, but now that i have seen the rewritten, i am happy again..keep updating
Xment2bursX chapter 1 . 8/14/2007
I love the old story but I can tell that the re-write is going to be even better, judging by the first chapter. I cant wait for the update!

happy chapter 1 . 7/6/2007
Love the rewrite...keep it up!]
FallingRaven chapter 16 . 6/7/2007
Wow! This is awesome! You so have to write more of this story. You portray the characters so well. I love how you are able to make their personalities so accurate. Please write more.
xxxpheonix-girlxxx chapter 1 . 6/7/2007
I was sure I had already reviewed for the re-write but appraently not. Oh well.

I love this story so, while I hope the re-write is better, I hope you dont change too much. Such as the final pairings. Cos theres limited Spaqua out there so I hope this will stay one.

Cant wait for the next chapter
Aime Atem Itsumo chapter 1 . 5/29/2007
Yay rewrite! It's going very well. This better turn out Spaqualad, though...because Spaqua is important for the soul, and anything else is just wrong. Got it?

So yeah, this looks really nice so far. Update soon!
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