Reviews for Much Ado About Destiny
Maara chapter 3 . 5/25/2008
I really liked this one.
jules452 chapter 2 . 4/9/2008
I really really like your story. I hope that you update. it is really interesting, i love star wars and roswell i just never thought anyone would put the two together for a story so i would really like to see how it ends.
jules452 chapter 1 . 2/21/2008
just wondering when you were gonna update. the story is interesting
Tanydwr chapter 3 . 2/6/2008

Update soon.

I love Michael's obliviousness and Maria's offence to his obliviousness! And of course, the whole Senator thing. And how does Earth know about the rest of the galaxy?

Hm, gonna make things interesting. Maybe Lucas is some kind of 'seer'. Or alien. or something. In the fiction, obviously...

Keep up the awesome work.

Lol, Tanydwr
jules452 chapter 3 . 2/4/2008
i am a big fan of star wars and roswell. i like what you have done with the story. i was just wondering when you were gonna update. i like the story alot
Magali chapter 3 . 12/27/2007
Oh, I had almost lost all hope to see this great fic updated. And just after Christmas, what do I see ? an update ! Thank you so much. Now, poor Anakin and Obi-wan, that "human" was resisting them. No wonder since the human was Michael. Still, I can't wait to read about their meeting.

And also about Maria and Alex's reaction to Anakin and Obi-Wan. They are the heroes of the Stars War movies, after all, they will be shocked to learn that they are for real.
Cthreen chapter 3 . 12/27/2007
Interesting X-over. I'm guessing that in your Roswell storyline Eps 1-3 haven't been made? I'm also wondering how you're going to fit this into the Roswell storyline, as the feds should be coming around now if I've placed it right. I've got to ask when Maria gets to drop the bomb about knowing their future, or at least a possible future. Obi-wan & Anakin will have plenty of fun watching the original trilogy. Keep writing!
kateydidnt chapter 2 . 8/11/2007
Dang it, why isn't there more of this!
Me and I chapter 1 . 2/10/2006
Are you going to update " How You Remind Me". I know it says on pause but I just want to find out
June22 chapter 2 . 1/26/2006
Ha! You updated! Thanks! :-)

I really really like the story, so please update soon!

Magali chapter 2 . 1/25/2006

Oh my god, I have never read anything so funny ! I swear, Michael and Maria's fight about fandoms, the difference between Gene and George, STar Trek and Star Wars, was a delight to read. A real pleasure.

I so hope that you are going to update this fic soon, it so deserves to be finished. I am going to tell my Roswell friends and send them a link to this fic. They might not review, but I can tell you that at least you'll get a few more readers.

Please, more about this fic.

Thanks for writing.

HazelEyes18 chapter 2 . 1/24/2006
I just saw this. This is pretty good and interesting. Keep up the great work. Hope to see some more updated soon.
June22 chapter 1 . 9/29/2005
Nice one! I'm curious of how things will develop so please update soon :-)
AnotherChance chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
Hey, great story! I didn't realise it would be a star wars cross over until i read it, but i'm glad i did. good job, update soon.