Reviews for The Dusk Descending
Guest chapter 11 . 7/1
hold up. Crutchie?
Guest chapter 15 . 11/12/2019
Despite me reading this years ago I didn't comment back then-if I did at all, I just can't find it. A friend was telling me about Christian Bale's movies and all of a sudden this fanfic came to mind. Finding it again made me so happy-it's even better than I remember.
Guest chapter 32 . 3/5/2019
Did Crutchy die when the roof collapsed? I really wanted to see how they handled keeping him safe with all of this, and how he handled his pride and his need to never be carried with the fact that he really can't go running from dragons in his condition. Would make an interesting subplot. But you are already clearly a skilled writer.
Guest chapter 41 . 5/31/2018
This really was a wild ride, up and down and all around. This story and the way you wrote this just impressed me so much. The pacing was perfection. My heart broke for Jack when he tried his best but couldn't escape this one last time. The way it ended on a cliffhanger is nothing short of diabolical. I can't complain I know, the next part is already in progress! But I can only read so much due to lack of free time so I'll just have to wait.
Guest chapter 36 . 5/21/2018
After this chapter I don't even think I have the words. It is just so devastating. The loss, the hoplessness. They tried so hard. Well I guess we have that mystery finally answered now. I knew David's family must be gone by all the clues sprinkled throughout, but I wasn't prepared for how hard it hit me when I did read it. You have some real writing skills, girl! Still can't believe it took so long to find out it was you!
Guest chapter 32 . 5/16/2018
Oh my God, i'm so mortified. Ok, so I have to explain this or it just looks weird but neither of us can delete it. She did NOT reply to her own story for the record, that was me. I borrowed her computer and didn't notice she was logged in. That was utterly my fault. On the other hand, I didn't even know the whole time it was her story (since I never knew her username). It was pretty amazing to find out! I didn't know you could write like that!
l-dhenson chapter 32 . 5/16/2018
Oh my God. Spot is here, my mind is blown. Spot is blind, my mind is double-blown. You know just how to spring your plot twists don't you! Spot is as tough as he ever had been but you can just see the strain on him. My heart sank when he said he had no more boys other than the ones he brought along. This is excellent stuff. I can't wait to see what happens next
Guest chapter 29 . 5/12/2018
Work and life weren't letting me read lately but I jumped back into this story today and am I glad I did. I loved seeing Jack set up a plan and then just spring it on Juergen (who by the way is pretty fascinating). They didn't get all they wanted but they got something. Just goes to show why Jack is the leader, I guess. I'm really liking how you had him handle the little kids in the group. He treats them patiently and protectively but he doesn't baby them either. As always your writing style is first class! It's the way you tell only what needs to known and the rest of the story unfolds by itself.
Guest chapter 25 . 3/29/2018
This was powerful. Powerful and intense! Wow did I feel like I needed to take a deep breath after those chapters. I'm so impressed by your writing style. I could almost feel the heat and horror of the fires as I read. Here we finally get some answers abut what happened to Les and it's oh so tragic, but oh so necessary at the same time. It broke my heart to see David's reactions to his little brother's death. Let's not forget Jack's reactions, as well. He's trying so hard to keep it together.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/24/2018
I didn't get much time to read recently but I squeezed in more chapters because I just can't stay away. This was intense! You are ratcheting up the tension here. Jack really let himself slip this time, didn't he? He was so in control at all times, never letting on if he was afraid. Then this time he let his fears for David get the better of him. It came as a shock. I'm loving your characterization of the boys. Plus, Snoddy as chief of police makes me all kinds of happy.
guest chapter 16 . 3/16/2018
Here I am for another night of reading. Don't I wish I had all the time in the world! I continue to enjoy this immensely. You've created a whole world here. he tension is just perfect in the latest chapters. I felt like I was in the store with Jack as he waited out the dragons, then barely made his escape. Odd as it is to say, I adored the little detail of those metal pieces raining down around him! The frustration boiling inside the tunnel was very real when Jack and Race argued and my jaw dropped when David stood up with the knife. I was almost in tears when afterwards, Jack did his best to reach him. I'm just so intrigued by your treatment of David's characterization, I can't wait to see how that plays out.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/15/2018
Hi. I know you wrote this long ago so this review is coming so very late, but I just discovered this fanfiction. I'm sitting here at my dinner table just devouring chapter after chapter when I should be doing other things. Laundry? Who needs laundry? But I have to take a break now so I will just leave with this. My mind is blown, I never thought to find a piece of fanfiction like this. The idea is just so original. I'm so engrossed in it. It's like being swallowed up in another world. Your history details are amazing. I can't wait to read more.
NikeScaret chapter 24 . 3/28/2016
why what you doing to my feels right now? I am crying...
OnPg9 chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
Just fantastic. I love how you open with them running, love the relationships, love the details. I'm reading this for the third time while I'm waiting for you to update Part 2.

By far the best Newsies story on the site.

Keep up the good work,

pen 'n notebook chapter 41 . 10/15/2011
You should have heard my reaction to seeing this story and its sequel updated.

Huge gasp. "No way." This was a fic I had come to accept that it would never, unfortunately, be finished but there it was, updated on the screen. "No way! NO WAY!"

By far this is the best cross over story I've ever read in any fandom. Can't wait to read the squeal, which I'm gonna do right now. I'm glad you and this story are back.

-Repeat (pen 'n notebook)
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