Reviews for Sayonara
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
What a load of shit. Neji would NEVER care for sasgay like that. Naruto is his light.
xanimefreakx chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
Aw it's so cute! In a kind of weird way... but cute nontheless! I like the fact that *evil side* Sasukes dead too! *good side* I love Neji! Update as quickly as possible! Please and thankies!

shalanar chapter 1 . 6/18/2005
Actually, when I first started reading this, I thought that Neji was the one that died. The beginning really pulls you in, and it's all very natural. I could almost feel the same choking feeling that he got. I was a little confused for a bit when the italics hit in, but I caught on fast. I like how Neji can't really let go of Sasuke (random fact: I'm a BIG SasuNeji fan). It's very short, but sweet. And you leave it open to that they'll be together again, perhaps in the afterlife. Such a cute and sad fic. *sniff* I loved it.
Yuki-Chan2 chapter 1 . 6/10/2005
So sad... *_* But hell, I liked it. Very touchy ending though, and that's what counts. Man, we need more NejiSasu in this world. They XD Anyway, loved the fic.
driftingstar chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
...*sob* T.T

The plot was very nicely done... however... it seemed a bit rushed and you might want to consider a BETA... ;

Yes! More Nejisasu! I seriously depend on NejiSasu for survival...