Reviews for Per Alicus Oculae
dragoness simplicity chapter 8 . 8/24/2012
Loved it!
Very impressive technobabble, and everyone was always in character.
Side note: Chapter 6: "We had some trouble making sense of you directions, Rodney," - your
Overall though, Very well written _

"Tylenol is the answer to everything!"
dragoness simplicity chapter 3 . 8/24/2012
Chapter 3: 'Oh, I forgot to out deodorant on today, right?' - put
Chapter 3: 'where's Mary Schuman?' - Marty?
dragoness simplicity chapter 2 . 8/24/2012
Up to chapter 3 now. loving it so far _

Found this though:
Chapter 2: "McKay, I though Elizabeth ordered you to.." - thought
sapphiretwin369 chapter 8 . 10/23/2007
that was a great story and really funny! Loved it.
Meirelle chapter 8 . 4/12/2006
This was awesome. I loved it!
Shinigami chapter 8 . 7/28/2005
mwahaha! I have returned with my miss-spelling and my crap for words. Im reviewing all your fic for this a one time instead of induvidually. So far its pretty good, wouildnt have guessed that whats his name Kavanagh was the leader of the expo. But hey wonders never cease...or do they? I dont remember anymore for that matter, the fic being a as you put it 'mildly amussing' fic was all-in-all rather entertaining and the techno babble also the ompalompas was convincing. GreatJob and you better keep err writing.
Dr K Langford chapter 8 . 6/21/2005
A very big fan absolutely loved 'Strange Bedfellows and laughed out load at the interaction between Sheppard & Mckay. Think you are equally gifted at both humour and angst. Can't wait for your next story!
Ciya chapter 8 . 6/20/2005
Loved the story - completely hilarious!

How about a short story about the AU Sheppard and Rodney. Sort of a "what the heck was that?" kind of thing.
Tonia Barone chapter 1 . 6/3/2005
*laughing and grinning so hard that her face hurts* Good lord, this chap...*L* I can SO see this as canon! And thanks ever so for showing Teyla as (gasp) mortal (if not human). It seems that so often she is pulled off as some sort of demi-goddess. While neat, showin' her as human (ie. bored out of her skull) is way better. Thanks. Can't wait to see where this goes!
obsessedwithscifi chapter 8 . 6/2/2005
I can so see Shappard and McKay bickering at each other in the briefing room and everyone leaving going unnoticed by the two. Just great. I loved it
peachkins chapter 8 . 6/2/2005
Great story-it made it to my Favorites list! I'm sorry to see it end, though. Anyway, great work! Oh, and Galaxy Quest really is a great movie. :-D
Dr.Dredd chapter 8 . 6/2/2005
Hey, I just noticed this on reading it again. You put in a reference to Mystery Men! ("I can't feel my ass!") One of my fave movies.
jennamajig chapter 8 . 6/2/2005
You do humor quite well! I loved this chapter. The McKay/Sheppard banter was top-notch and McKay's rant about Tylenol, I'm giggling just remembering it. This story gives new meaning to walking a mile in another man's shoes...wonderful job.
Ashkash chapter 8 . 6/2/2005
Sadly it's over. But, I really enjoyed the story and yes you did the humour well. Since it was centered around Sheppard and McKay, they were the highlights, although, the images of alt-Ford are a close runner up for me. LOL! I want to see an episode like that!

After this, I think Rodney needed chill pill sionce he was on overdrive on this. :) I liked at the end there how Elizabeth starts to wonder John's comment about being 'good in red'. I wonder how he's gonna clear that up! :) Can't wait for your next story.
Dr. Dredd chapter 8 . 6/2/2005
*applause* Very well done! As usual, the Shep/McKay banter is a highlight. I second Hazeydream's opinion that the riffs on Tylenol were hilarious. Also, the bit about Shep not knowing what a stethoscope was ("And they say you graduated from Johns Hopkins" Ouch!)
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