Reviews for 15 First Dates
SNIKT chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
"Are you saying I look *rumpled*?!"
shejams chapter 16 . 4/2/2012
Shame on you for torturing Scott like that!

I'm a huge Cyclops fan and I'm very protective of him.

However, with that being said...


OMG That was hilarious! I normally don't read Scott-torture fics but I must admit that after chapter one, I just couldn't stop.

This was soooo funny. (I'm sorry Scott. I still love you. Even though I was laughing at you, on the inside I was crying for you as well.)

Loved the epilogue! The recap had tears coming down. Ah man..

Shame on me but this is definitely going on my fav list.

Too funny. Great job!
JustDanny chapter 16 . 1/29/2012
Just. Love. It. I cannot begin to describe how much I laughed with this; last chapter had me near throwing off the computer! It is a great idea developed lovely; you must be a truly supervillain to put Scott through all this! Lol! Goes to favorites!
MsTishaX chapter 16 . 10/29/2010
this was pretty good i liked it, it was way funnier than i thought it might be but i really liked all the worlds he visited im not to keen with the gay ones but it made it funny with him trying to pull it off so he didnt fuck things up so he had to play along till he got to fix it though with that ending im not sure it is back to normal but i guess its as normal as it could get good ending
Val chapter 16 . 10/5/2009
oh GOD the ending is perfect xD good job i like your storie!
Southern Gaelic chapter 17 . 2/22/2008
Amelia Glitter chapter 17 . 1/19/2008
This is hilarious! You should have added more of the New Mutants though. I would have loved to see Scott waking up with Amara or Sam!
Aseret Kitsune chapter 17 . 8/19/2007
This is the best thing I could have spent my afternoon reading. So many things in this were just so wrong they were right.
chantelle chapter 17 . 6/29/2007
Abulostly Hilirious story

please [please carry on

Some of the best lines were

"Quick, you have to shoot me before mini-Logan uses my dismembered corpse as a sex toy!”

when scott talking about X-23

“You said that Logan had given you some ‘killer weed’ and now you had the munchies. And wasn’t I in the middle of a gang-bang with Hank, Pietro, Forge, Tabby and Kitty?”

that was storm talking!


Mn I really enjoyed that, I really did!
NightWarrior chapter 14 . 12/29/2006
As an adjunct to my previous dad got my mom an iron for Christmas. I promptly remembered this story and cracked the hell up.

Apparently, an iron is only acceptable when you're divorced.
NightWarrior chapter 17 . 12/10/2006
I think I just woke one of my roommates. I don't care. Best story I've read in a LONG time.
Descena chapter 17 . 9/13/2006
I have got to give you massive kudos! That was the funniest shit I have read in a long time. You have me laughing from beginning to end! One of my fav. stories and the best humor story I have read! It was so great! I have to read the rest of your work now. :)

Thanks for making me laugh so hard
Duncan-James chapter 17 . 7/18/2006
my 1st review!

what a story!

so amazing - i read it at work during my lunch and i loved it

scott is my fav character in evolution and i loved the way u portrayed him

it was a magnificent story

2 thumbs up - if i had more they would be up 2
Miss Ginny chapter 17 . 8/1/2005
hahaha... so i guess that in the end the universe wasn't quite right. i really enjoyed reading this story, and to be quite honest, i have no idea where i was when you last updated this... oh, well, it was certainly fun to read...
sabrinaw chapter 17 . 5/15/2005
omfg! that was so freakin funny! though it took me a few hours to read it...i kept having to stop and go to the bath room, because i was laughing so hard...just one question - where the hell do you come up with this stuff? really, you must have a sick and twisted mind to be able to write this and not have to take therapy lessons. you and i would get along great i think.
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