Reviews for Snowfall
KitsuneGamerGirl chapter 1 . 11/27/2007
Wow, yeah, I was just looking around and started to look at some older stuff. This is amazing. I could see it playing out in my mind and it was beautiful. I love imagery like that. I know this story is old, but I just had to say something about it.
Nando the RPS King chapter 1 . 6/25/2006
Wow. Excellent work.
drakonlily chapter 1 . 12/29/2004

Usually I write longish reviews, but with this I just can't fomulate the words. I loved it. It hurt to read, and there was just the right amount of pacing. The last lines are perfect. Beautiful.
Jess Angel chapter 1 . 11/12/2004
Am I alone in here...?

As I finished this, that line... lyric, was repeating over and over. It's the last song on a Chevelle CD and combined with the after-effects of reading this... I inwardly teared up. Must go listen to that Ben Folds Five song soon.

Ooh, lorsh. That was achingly beatiful. Your writing has always been wonderful, but to read this new piece and see how much you've grown; I'm glowing with pride and admiration. Everything is so dead on. And... the memory loss really touched me because I've been dealing with something like that, with someone in my life.

Lovely, lovely work with using the imagery; it was all very connected. I saw the snowflakes as memories. Tangible one minute, gone the next. Dissolving onto Reno, but not in him, like he wants. To remember.

I feel like my words would not be able to do this justice. So I'll just end this with...

Snowfall's on my favorites list.

Jess 0:o)
cobalt dragonfly chapter 1 . 11/8/2004
Oh, this is beautiful. I could *see* the scene you were describing, like a shot in a movie. Everything in black and white except for Reno's hair...and the snow drifting down... Poignant and melancholy, two of my favorite moods! And mysterious too. I love open fics like this, that make the reader wonder and draw their own conclusions, when everything isn't spelled out for you. And you said you couldn't write drabbles...liar. *grins*
Verdot chapter 1 . 11/7/2004
Lovely, imagery is something precious, good job portraying it. I like the whole mystery that surrounds it...

Great work!

E chapter 1 . 11/7/2004
The only problem is that Brick, by Ben Folds is actually about abortion. Other than that, good.
Heather Cat chapter 1 . 11/6/2004
Oh... shivers. That's what this story gives me. I'm SO glad you finally posted this! It was worth the wait though. So good. I think the only word that I can really think of for this one is 'poignant'. It was simple, short, and stunningly effective. You set out to write an image and it worked brilliantly. Kudos to you, my friend, because this? This is amazing.
Sabriel41 chapter 1 . 11/5/2004
I can quite honestly say I loved this, Tijuana Pirate... your writing has matured in the time you've been away, and it definitely shows. I liked how you kept the girl's identity unknown... in such a short piece, it's far more effective (and fits the song).


The bit about memory loss was good - you don't often see that as a side-effect of Mako, but then again, if Cloud is any indication, perhaps it's more common than one might think.


Kudos, and Cheers,
