Reviews for I Bleed Black
Anko Rocks chapter 2 . 2/4/2018
Well your song slaughters! It's surpassed slaying as a written poem. I swear I'm hooked.
Anko Rocks chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
The first chapter's really good. I don't think I've read a story like this before. I am excited to continue reading, what I'm pretty sure is about to become an interesting story.
VicKTricKs-kun chapter 39 . 3/28/2016
I'm reading! Continue Lord I need to know how it ends! HURRY THE FUCK UP!
NarutoSasuke4ver chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
Now that Naruto is done, why won't you complete this? At least with just 1 chapter. I want to live off my life knowing that a perfect story for a narusasu pairing could exist... please? :'(

You couldn't imagine the tears I shed reading this...
Redsilverheart chapter 39 . 8/14/2012
Man. You have like 800 reviews! Why not update, I don't care if it's been 5 years. I fucking sobbed in this story. I had a fucking freak out! Pleaseeeee update
Guest chapter 39 . 7/5/2012
I know you will probably never read this, but this is by far one of the best stories I have read. I wish it was complete but nonetheless you have left me with an amazing 39 chapters. Thank you for that.
JoanIncarnate chapter 14 . 12/18/2011
XD hahahahaha, you called sasuke's dad uchiha tomoe! you named him after those swirly eye commas! XD
Robin-1992 chapter 39 . 3/25/2011
first off, I still love the story, though I only recently started reading. the stile is different from any i've seen before.

that said, i have one question i'd like answering to: why did you never finish such a great story as this?
Lazy Gaga chapter 39 . 3/3/2011
this is an awesome story! i hope that you update it someday!
Well that was cathartic chapter 39 . 11/7/2010
We read, we read! We swear we do! We worship, even! We laugh our asses of at the funny parts and cry when naruto goes missing! Update! Please update, author-sama! We beg of you! *Offers virtual cookies and flashdrives containing yaoi* You know you want to... you know we remain loyal... Doooooo it... Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it... hehe
Well that was cathartic chapter 10 . 11/6/2010
lol! I know it's not supposed to be funny, but i'm to much of a sadist/freak/not-normal person not to laugh! Instead of NAruto swearing to bring sasuke back (from orochimaru) it has sasuke swearing to bring naruto back (from the akutski)! It's hillarious. Orochimaru is always after Sasuke's, and Akutski's are always after jinchuroki! This is the first one i;ve read where sasuke has to get naruto. Loved the poems by the way.
ImaginaryLions chapter 1 . 3/8/2010

I wish I had a copy of the picture naruto drew.
Natokono chapter 39 . 2/18/2010
"I hope you enjoyed. I wonder if there are people who are still reading this fic. I wouldn’t be surprised if their weren’t."

Uh, excuse me ? I cant get enough of this fic, id so put out for you if you made chapter 40 within this month. i LOVE this fic dude, i seriously almost cried when that scroll bar wouldnt show me a chapter 40 !

Please, im begging you, find the time to make a chapter 40, this fic has literally gotten me through a tough time in my life as i read it..

Your skill is unparalleled. Please, continue this magnificent fic. I can barely sleep, I need more !
Dusty Miller chapter 39 . 11/21/2008
I saw the DISCONTINUED in the summary, but you could end this story with only 2 more chapters if you want to.

There's a lot of angst in this story and to be honest I think you've taken the whole 'angsty story thing' way to far over the limit (just like I do with my stories, when writing angst I can't stop xP)

I could help you to come up with something if you feel lack of inspiration :D It would be awesome if you finished this story since it has such great potential! Plus - you've reached over 800 reviews, that's impressive!

If I'm annoying, I'm sorry, but still... this is such an amazing story that it feels strange to just leave it discontinued...

Dusty Miller chapter 14 . 11/20/2008
You've got incredible skills in writing fanfictions! It's extremely realistic, maybe a few thing here and there that could have been written differently, but still ;P I'm jealous, I love your writing style and you've got a wonderful vocabulary and skills in writing poetry :D Luff ya, but also hate ya... I wanna be that awesome... hm... what to do, mayeb I could get some of your blood and go all Hidan on you, hm?

Well, well, gotta get some sleep, I'll read more tomorrow xD

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