Reviews for Sum of the Parts
general zargon chapter 16 . 6/9/2013
RAOTFLOL! This story was freaking HILARIOUS! I have to feel sorry for poor Ban, he should have just stayed a woman, LOL! XP I noticed a couple typos, but nothing too major, and so I give this story a ten out of ten! I really enjoyed it, and not just because it gave me a good laugh - I loved the fluffy aspects of it to, even as I'm wondering what happened to that coaster with the girls' phone numbers Ginji got and Ban then stole...:P I hope you decide to write more for this fandom and keep up the great work!
vedha chapter 16 . 2/4/2012
I know you had written this almost 7 years ago... But I just happened to find it and it was the most funniest fiction I have ever read... That too imagining Ban in a girl's outfit was the hilarious part... I loved the epilogue... For once Ban is being over powered by all the others... It was really nice to read the whole fic... I loved it... You know, you should write more stories on the Get Backers. I would love to read more...
dangerprawn chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
Oh, my God. I love you. Thanks.
honey-vanilla11 chapter 16 . 5/9/2008
wonderful ending! that's what Ban gets for leaving Ginji hanging like a piƱata! and sacrificing him to Akabane! hehe! anyway, it was a wild enjoyable ride! truly loved it! and as for the cute ending for Ginji and Natsumi, i give it a two-thumbs up!
honey-vanilla11 chapter 5 . 5/9/2008
such a sweet scene with Natsumi and Ginji! i so support those two! i loved this so much! especially because their costumes were introduced! i so love this!
honey-vanilla11 chapter 6 . 5/9/2008
wonderfully cute! and Ginji is so much luckier with the ladies than Ban! i so love to see what they look like in their costumes! Kazuki too! i so enjoy reading this!
Nutella0Mutt chapter 16 . 9/7/2007
Brilliant! I totally loved it! That was probably the funniest thing I have ever read! Banshee and Ginshee. LMAO LMAO! Keep it up! xD xD xD xD
Bons Baisers chapter 16 . 5/22/2007
Oh, my God. That may be the best piece of fanfic I've ever read. Bravissimo.
SugarQ chapter 16 . 1/27/2007
Wah! i'm glad i stumbled upon this fic! loved it! it was very well written and funny _
narrizan chapter 16 . 9/2/2006
A long ramble, maybe, so bear with me. Thank you.

Firstly I adored the titles. They were all so fitting and set the 'mood' as it were for the hi-jinks (should that be jinx? _) that ensued.

I also enjoyed the rivalry between Shido and Ban, and the underlying, 'We're-the-same-really-but-no-way-in-hell-are-we gonna-say-it-out-loud' and not forgetting the Kazuki/Ban dynamics that fangirls love but is only hinted at in the form of sibling rivalry teasing here. I liked that it was very subtle (intentionally or no)

Though there seemed to be a lot of action and conversation there was a sense of who each of these characters are. Even where Juubei only appears at the end he just seems such a dear you made me want to reach out to him and hug him. (I am usually rather indifferent towards him!)

As always the beautiful gem that is the friendship and the bond (no pun intended) between Ginji and Ban that shines as bright as the multi dimensional prism of Kagami's diamond dust. Only real and seemingly made flesh and blood! That little space in which they share pain and love as only they can of each other. I like how the relationship is that way in strength.(Thinks Hakkai & Gojyo - I could not help it there Saiyuki flows in my blood unfortunately)

Of course your trademark Ginji/Natsumi hints (read blatant advertising. _~) one cannot leave without mentioning. As I see it really, Giji does not belong to anyone but maybe her and you conveyed this so heartbreakingly well in 'The Prize'

Also glimpses of the underbelly of the Tokyo nightlife is a precious walk through a culture so steeped in history it seems at odds at the same time does not feel out of whack. (I hope I am making some sort of sense here.)I enjoyed that of this lovely ride to hell and back.

Of course I cannot leave without mentioning *clears throat* THAT man in black. NO, not Ban in drag! _ The good Dr. I mean. Although it isn't a black-black, it is more of a midnight blue black. (only personal opinion only)I could read well written Akabane forever. And you so write him wonderfully. He is MORE him. He doesn't say a lot usually, and he did veer very slighly towards saying more than he usually does. Only very slightly though, and did not seem out of place in this context however. He WAS explaining things to Ginji after all, and that takes a lot of words, even for one who is economical with words (Thinks of Kyuuzou).

You have hinted at things I know nothing of (not manga educated in the Getbackers world that is)I do feel that something does tie them all together. Even the unseemingly unconnected Akabane. I would really love that.

I am glad to hear you may write some more GB, as I find that there be a dearth of good, let alone well written GB stories on these pages. *click* You dear lady are on author alert as of now! Could I be so cheeky as to request an Akabane centric fic, of course Ginji and Ban have to Be There, as it were (I told you Saiyuki has me mind and soul) and I don't mean in a slashy way. I love that slash thing as much as the next slashy fangirl...I think with them its all undertow and beneath the of respect and admiration comes the love sort of naturally (even in that Jackal-ish twisted way of his).

I am sorry. I have gone on rather a bit haven't I? Ok I will leave you now. You can breathe a sigh of relief. By the way did I say I loved this fic yet? _~

Till next time.

zan out
narrizan chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
So here I am so don't worry I'll get to it. *runs off cackling*
silverstrings chapter 16 . 6/30/2006
I came wandering by to look for one of your other fics and noticed this one. Promptly went "huh, I haven't read that one before" and took a look. Went through the entire thing last night and this morning (at work, no less!). I don't think I need to point out typos and whatnot seeing as this fic is from 2004, and you've improved so much since then, and this fic was still highly enjoyable. XD

I must say, for an author who isn't much into yaoi/shounen-ai, you're excellent at keeping us rabid yaoi-loving girls happy. XD; Especially a Ban/Kazuki-shipper like me. I was sad that didn't get taken any further but was surprised at just how much WAS in there for me to grin over. Big thanks for that. _ In fact, Kazuki's little speech to Ginji about Ban in the club bathroom summed up how I tend to try and write for Kazuki's thoughts on Ban quite well. ; Kudos!

All the character interactions were so natural, from Ban and Shido's constant sniping and fighting to Ban and Kazuki's more subtle, irritable tension. Ginji and Natsumi were adorable with their not-quite flirting and clumsy show of affection.

The middle of the story in the hotel and whatnot did get really weird for awhile, but amusing none the less. XD I kept thinking, "Well, I've RP'd worse than this with the poor boys...", so hey. Also, some of the moments with Ban and Ginji had a definite "aw" factor to them from both a 'hehe, BanxGinji' standpoint but also VERY much from a friendship standpoint. It's just so apparent that no matter who either of those two are paired up with, that their most important person will still be one another. _ I'm always trying to convey that aspect of their friendship in my writing - the same thing with Juubei and Kazuki, actually.

Overall, this fic was a great read and very entertaining. The plot was well done and didn't have any holes that I noticed, and it's nice to see fics WITH a plot at ALL instead of just pointless fluff or angst (which, sadly, I'm always seeming to be writing. oops -_-). XD *waves teeny, tiny, underappreciated BanKazuki flag ;.;* Good job!

pillbottle chapter 16 . 3/9/2006
Wow... for a first attempt at a fanfic, you did an AWESOME JOB. All the characters were kept OOC, so much that it was almost scary... I can SEE them saying those lines.

You are a GREAT HUMOR WRITER. So much that whenever my friends and I re-read this, we always burst out into laughter... so hard, that people start staring (if it's in a public place) or we start hyperventilating-giggling until we fall out of our chairs. XD

After bookmarking and countless re-visiting of the chapters, we decided, what the heck-so we printed it all out and put them in multitudes of leftover sheet protectors and stashed the entire thing into a five-inch binder. It weighs about twenty pounds ((okay, well, not THAT much, but still pretty heavy)) and we call it the 'SELF-PROCLAIMED BIBLE OF FANFICTION~ALL HAIL THEE!'

... and now you think we're all insane. XD THAT'S how much this rocked. Or maybe we're just a little messed up in the head. Both, possibly. Either way, one things for certain: we LOVE your writing!
Arc Trader chapter 16 . 12/17/2005
I think I should take it as a very bad sign of how much I've been on the Internet when I realize I really haven't learned anything new from this story. My disdain for BDSM has reached a new high. Yeesh... my skin is crawling right now...

Eh. The premise of the story started off interestingly enough, though a lot less stuff happened than the length would seem to let on. But... I was surprised that you were able to toe that ever-so-thin line of yaoi in the Get Backers fandom without crossing over it.

It's strangely hilarious how Ginji turns out to be the one who's the walking sex machine without even realizing it... as opposed to say, Ban.

I was wondering where Shido was the whole time other than ordering bombing attacks on the Ladybug.

But... the capstone of this story was *definitely* Akabane. You have him down so well it's almost scary... his callous disregard for life... his own desire to see just how strong the Raitei and himself really are... and even that flicker of uncertainty he had when Ginji asked what happened to him. The only thing I can't see him doing is saying, "My boy." That's too condescending for him.

And that ending... that ending, heh. That's what happens when you insult everyone pal. He'd better hope he's still got his cojones come the end. Heh heh heh...

- Phantom Kensai
riversrunthroughme chapter 16 . 10/30/2005
That was absobloodyluetly wonderful! I laughed so hard my sister banged on thewall and told me to shut-up before she killed me with ... umm...she said something about an electric socket, but I'm not sure how that works...

Anyway, all I can say is all the drag was inspired.

Odd... I never thought I'd be saying those words in a gramtically correct sentence like that. But I have to admit the mental images burned into my brain (though disturbing) were absolutely hilarious. So I forgive you for scarring me, but the idea of Kazuki winning... erm...that kind of contest or being in women's clothing period was well worth the damage to my psyche.

In short: It was like watching a Get Backer's episode...only twenty times the comedy factor. Lovely bloody work, my primrose! I think I'm in love...with your fic. Just the fic. GAH! The insanity is starting to rub off on me! Ja ne!

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