Reviews for Love is a Funny Thing
Luna Rose Black chapter 2 . 9/23
Eep I hit post review too early. I mean MOST boys are not stupid. My cousin (who is a boy) is. At least in my mind.
Luna Rose Black chapter 1 . 9/23
I went into reviews and I saw the guest review at the top. Since he/she was a guest, I could not send a message to their inbox.
Now, you said all the greatest inventors were male. Pardon me, but did you ever hear about Marie Curie? If not, you need to search her up. She found two elements and invented the X-Ray machine.
However, I agree that all boys are not stupid.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/3/2015
If you are serious about the boys being just thick bit, I want to know what you are on, cocaine, heroin, weed?
Because boys aren't generally stupid. Actually, if you look in history, all of the greatest inventors are male, the cleverest person ever was a man, the cleverest person alive, is a man, need I carry on?
prongsiemate chapter 15 . 1/19/2015
OMG I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! Especially the song that came with It's from Disney's Aladdin btw when Jasmin and Aladdin are flying on carpet. But anyways, keep writing!
just another One'1 chapter 20 . 6/26/2012
I love it! WoW! Well done xx

I am speechless
MlleEmmaMlle chapter 4 . 6/24/2012
I really like this story and i'm glad you have finished it and have been rewriting it!

A thing I find a bit annoyiing (don't know if it might just be me computer being weird) but there's quite a lot of places where spaces are missing.. anyways except from a few smaller mistakes, like whether a person is a seeker or chaser or whatever it is a great story! so when after each chapter writes stuff like "I know it was bad" or whatever I would wish that you didn't! but that's just my personal view! anyways keep up the good work in future stories, cause I really like you're writing style and the way you portray the characters! :D
pinkiwinki chapter 8 . 11/9/2011
Hay! I'm Jewish too!and I loove your story :-)
pinkiwinki chapter 8 . 11/9/2011
Hay! I'm Jewish too!and I loove your story :-)
LilyLunaRox chapter 15 . 10/1/2011
A Whole New World- the song was in the movie Aladdin made by Disney. Haha! You stole a song from Disney!
Lucretia-Caseyandra chapter 20 . 12/22/2010
I LOVED THIS STORY! One of the best James/Lily fics EVER. You are wonderful! ~Caseyandra
LILYPEVANS chapter 20 . 4/23/2009
This story was amazing will you be continuing or writing a sequel?...

Lady Knight Keladry chapter 20 . 1/2/2008
so sweet! it was a great fic and pretty funny. happy new year!
StrictlyDramione chapter 20 . 11/21/2007
OMFG i love this story! its my fave lily and james one! it is so amazing, i read it all in one night! yay lily and james! lol. :)
OzzyTheGnome chapter 8 . 10/6/2007
Its pretty good! Very good in fact! Iloved the bit with the quidditch ranting
teachergirl chapter 1 . 8/17/2007
You can't be half a muggle. You can be a muggle if you have no magic. You can be a muggle-born a witch or wizard, or you can be a witch or wizard. Lily is muggle-born, that is, she is a witch born to muggle parents. You really should get your definitions straight before you write your story.
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