Reviews for The Blood Between Us
Max chapter 13 . 12/5/2008
Amazing. So well written, characters very well developed, awesome story line. I was hoping to see more of Sera but that wasn't the story so that's fine. Great job, thanks so much for the time and effort.
escape5 chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
truely a story that i can grip my teeth into. ur first words were beyond my expectation for a truely mind blow ff. there must b more since the mystery needs to be unfoldered
The Story Necromancer chapter 13 . 10/27/2005
WOW absolutely amazing id swear it was true that was almost too intricate for fiction you should be a true writer
MaZe-Pallas chapter 13 . 8/9/2005
Wonderful story! and it's actually completed (or almost, still wonder if Integra will accept the 'gift') which is so rare... I wonder if there's a continuation somewhere :) It was sad to see the alliance 'fall a part', and it would have been nice to see this somehow in some manner resolved, but I guess it was inevitable. Was this story in some manner influenced by WhiteWolfs RPGs Vampire:Dark Ages Vampire:the Masquerade and Mage:theAscension?

Cheers and thanks for the intriguing story... ;-)
Venikins chapter 13 . 7/18/2005
That was truly one of the absolut BEST Hellsing Fanfictions, well FanFictions in general,I have ever had the pleasure to read! It was so well written and UnGodly Great that tis hard for me to find the words or rather form them into a proper sentence that would truly express the way this fiction has impacted me and do it justice. You are truly a talented author and I look very much forward to reading more of your works in the future. _~
MeatwaD9021 chapter 13 . 4/21/2005
This was an awesome fanfic. I really enjoyed this one. The only complaint I have is that it ended! I especially liked Camilla and her interaction with Integra. Very good story.
NadiaGray chapter 13 . 2/14/2005
Hi I just finished reading your fic,and I have to say...That I loved it! I like it soo much that I readed this fic three times over. I really like the way you wrote it. I hope you are going to write more. OOh and I was wondering are you going to make a sequil to this fic? I for one really would love it.

Well I hope to readed more of your fic's. So see you later. bye_Nadia
Rin Leonhart chapter 13 . 2/10/2005
First off, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love the story *worships* And you've made me a devout fan. Any chance for a sequel or something?

integra-sama2012 chapter 13 . 12/19/2004
great story i loved it
Hypocritical Critic chapter 13 . 10/14/2004
OMG this was so good. i loved it cuz it showed a softer side of integra without getting out of character. wonderfully written, and the ending... i cant decide whether to be angry at a cliffhanger like thing, or overjoyed at an appropriate ending. haha anyway it is very good.
Shadowsonic137 chapter 8 . 9/29/2004
You are to go to be a teenage writer. Methinks you've had a go around the writer's block once or twice before. Anyway, your story is awesome
blackman chapter 1 . 8/4/2004
damn you you touch my soul, and i don't like that at all, you should burn but i far too busy reading your story again to do it my self
Hypocritical Critic chapter 2 . 7/3/2004
wow i normally dont reveiw until i finishe reading all that is posted, but this one i have to review now. I LOVE how the feel of the characters are the same. i have read other helsing fanfic and all the characters are changed, especially Arucard. your story keeps the characters and the feel so far. i like the mystery that u put in this first chapter. I also really like how u have researched ur subject. the prolouge was intruguing and the first chapter continues with the momentum. that is all for now but i am definately going to read more.
Kitsune6 chapter 5 . 5/30/2004
This is a great story. I do take exception to the use of 'ARucard' instead of 'ALucard.' Alucard is used as it is Dracula backwards. Some people say they are putting it as Japanese would write it. In that case, the names should be Aakaado, Serasu Vikkutoria, and Inteegura Herushingu. That's whay I use Alucard. It's what the Japanese would write if they writing in English.
flowers-followed chapter 13 . 5/27/2004
Yes, it's me again. Wow, I just won't leave you alone huh? I have a sneaky suspicion that you are a popular writer of some kind venting some idea's on . I am recommending your story to EVERYONE. You really should post on as well, and join the forum so all the underlings can learn from you (like me). I can't understand why you don't have more reviews. I have come to find that the 'hellsing' fanfic crowd is a bit different from others though. Well, back to spreading the gospel of your haunting story!
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