Reviews for Different View
lanalight1 chapter 13 . 5/20/2018
I always hated this part of the book because it leads to Johnny's death.
lanalight1 chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
I love the relationship he has with Ponyboy.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
*thumbs up* good name bro...pretty creative! excited to see where this story goes from the 1st 2 words of ur chapter. rootin for ya even tho im late and this is already done!
Zarak chapter 21 . 3/22/2015
I love this story
pinksugarrush chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
Oh, Soda's twin! That's nice! I like Pepsi so far, he's very witty.
Pepsi chapter 21 . 3/16/2011
I normally don't-Ok, I DON'T read Fanfictions that have added characters in them.

I don't now why I read this one...

But I do know why I kept reading it.

This was... nice. Ok, i'll cut the crap. (I don't think you like crap to much) I think Pepsi should of acted more brotherly toward Pony & Soda, and he shouldn't of been such an ass, but hey-this is your story. You can write it how you want it.

The humor in this was amazing. I really like a good sarcastic story. I read the 1st chapter of the sequal and I couldn't help but bust my gut. I mean;

"Why the Army, Son?" he sounded interested.

"Because the Marines can't fight worth shit."

That was SO Pepsi! He's such a sarcastic little ass! But you kinda gotta love him.

I also liked how I go by Pepsi (see above) and his name is Pepsi. (that's one of the reasons I had to comment on this)

So, overall, this was a good story. I don't dig Sister-Fics, and I don't dig Brother-Fics. But this wouldn't really be classified as a Brother-Fic.

I would think it would be more of a Sarcastic-Ohmigod I can't stand this guy-Hilarious-Brother-Fic.


I WILL see you in the funny papers.

Stay Gold,

Jam chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
Soda's got a twin? A male twin that's opposite? Who's close to Pony? Fitting!
Stay Gold chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
Wow, yes! I never saw any brother fics! I wondered why? Always those sister fics but never any brother fics! There should be one too.

Interesting plot.
roonilwazlib1 chapter 21 . 7/22/2010
I loved this story! I love the character Pepsi-Cola: I love how he's like Dallas Winston gone Curtis. Sounds kind of weird, but it's the first thing that popped into my mind. Throughout the entire story, Pepsi's character doesn't waver, like a lot of other fanfiction characters do. He's like Ponyboy: he changes, but he's still the same person he started as. You're a great writer, and also captured the other characters (like Darry, Soda, Two-Bit) really well, and your writing style was awfully similar to S.E. Hinton's, which is a really good thing. I love how you let characters like Darry open up - I got to learn more about Darry because of Pepsi-Cola. For example, when Pepsi-Cola wanted to help Darry pay the bills, and Darry refused, I didn't expect that at all. But when I got to thinking about it, I realized that that is exactly what Darry would do. It was a really good idea of writing this, with another Curtis brother, not a sister. I've read a few fics with sisters, and even though they both go at the same concept, they're completely different. You wrote at a totally different angle that had never even crossed my mind!
RoyGoodeRoyGreat chapter 3 . 7/18/2010
O' loud one, wher'd ya come up with that?
Phoenixx Rising chapter 20 . 7/5/2010
wow! I really enjoyed this story! I was a little skeptical about reading a story that had an OC as the main character, but I quickly fell in love with Pepsi-Cola and got sicked into the story. Thanks so much for a wonderful read!
Frodo Loves You chapter 13 . 3/13/2010
This was really confusing, I'm not gonna lie, but still amazing. Your writing never ceases to amaze me, and I'm glad there are writers like you on fanfiction.
Gimme chapter 14 . 11/26/2009
He only seems more comfortable with her cuz she has nothing to really do with anything. Sorts like a stranger. -shrugs- sad.
Gimme chapter 4 . 11/25/2009
Poor darry. Such a typical teenage attitude, assuming he wants to force his dreams on someone else cuz he wants them to study well.
DHF of Walden chapter 15 . 11/5/2009
Perfect as ever! This is... like I'm reading a story straight from S.E. Hinton, or even better... an avid fan who so happens to be an awesome well-developed writer! This is so cool, how I can just picture the whole thing, and it just wants to make me hop up and act the whole thing out, the actual The Outsiders is the only story or book that has made me feel like that. And I've read a LOT of things. For a twelve-year-old.

The fighting was really realistic, which was awesome because most of the rumble scenes written in fan fiction are cheesy and slow, like the characters are fighting one at a time and beating the other guy completely. You actually set up the scene for the reader, which was an awesome thing to do.

Also most other stories with OC's in general end up sucking because the new character just is really hard to picture with the gang... but Pepsi fits in really well, I find.

I've been meaning to write this for a while, I just randomly decided to...

I'm working on my WSOTT Rumble Entry and I am really excited!
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