Reviews for The Learning Times
Bagge chapter 5 . 6/28/2006
How wonderfully cute. I like Charlotte. A lot of spirit in that girl, and it must do Harry good to have a little girl to waste some affection on. Also nice to see the magical world from someone else perspective. In all, a highly original, warm and friendly tale about a magical world, with nice poetry. Well done.
Bagge chapter 4 . 6/28/2006
How lucky, they were all safe and sound. And I dare say the girls were quite happy with their adventure. Something of a young girl's dream to come across a unicorn, isn't it? I am fully prepared to believe that the northen and western british farmers have a closer connection to magic than the rest of us; that is after all where Hogwarts is to be found.
Bagge chapter 3 . 6/28/2006
To the resque! But not alone; how unlike the Harry we know. Ah, no avail; they will get themself in danger soon enough. Intruiging idea with magical children from the farms. Or why not from Hogsmede. Bound to be quite a few there. Nice and warm story so far.
Bagge chapter 2 . 6/28/2006
Ops. Over the cliff. Harry is due for some serious climbing. Another good song, especially the chorus. Hogwarts the musical looks like good fun. And a very Ronish sheme for improving Harry's mood.
Bagge chapter 1 . 6/28/2006
Ginny as a director, eh? I can sure see it suit her. But she definatley has spiced up her poetry since that valentine. I like the song, and I definately like all the friendly bickering. Looks promising.
Brooke Monroe chapter 5 . 12/4/2004
that was really sweet. i love charlotte. rug-rats haha. great job