Reviews for Thanatos
ItStartsWithZ chapter 3 . 9/14/2017
you borrowed some ideas? wow. i mean, you're amazing to have written this. just thinking of the amount of time and brain cells that you sacrificed makes me dizzy. i'm not sure if you'll continue, but i can say that this was a refreshing fic. you did not follow the game per se, i got bored with several link/sheik that just inserted their stories within the game. you made this one your own, and i am very grateful. kudos!
DragonflyxParodies chapter 3 . 3/3/2014
GAH. Only three chapters. T.T
I really like this story-how well written it is, how unique it is. Awesome job! I hope you continue with it.
Hydromaniac-Mermaidella chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
This story is absolutely amazing. Your characterization is exquisite, and the Sheikah history is engaging, interesting, and believable. I am utterly devastated at the thought that this fic may not continue, I found this from your Deviantart page and read it in about an hour. Please know that your story is fantastic and I really hope you decide to give it another try.
sty chapter 3 . 3/6/2010
AH WRITE MORE! -drools- love it! i hope you dont just, like, give up on the plot, because it is absolutly lurvley. D
Lunar Guardian chapter 3 . 11/10/2008
Just out of curiosity (and the fact I feel like I have to know everything) I looked up that word... qahu... qawha... qahwa. that's what it was... Anyway, after much irritated searching on complicated sites (I finally gave up and looked on google and low and behold...) and found it! Apparently it's Arabic coffee... OMG I HOPE ITS NOT POISONOUS! (Or however the heck you spell it)

Loved the story! Sorry I'm ranting! I know it's been like four years, practically five since you've udated but this stoy is awesome! Please write more? (puts on fake puppy dog eyes and pouts adorably).
Miyavilurver chapter 3 . 8/2/2008
In hopes that this ever gets updated I'll put you on alert. It's a really good story.
Gizzmo chapter 3 . 5/24/2008
Four years and you haven't updated. That's okay, I can still cry in my sleep of how this nice author turned not-writer anymore. Sigh.

It's a nice story. You portrayed Sheik perfectly fine, in my opinion. But jeez, if only you updated...I'd be so happy. D:
Raven the Joker chapter 3 . 4/29/2007
This is getting interesting. I can't wait to read next part. ;3 And I hope you wont make Sheik die... xD
Kai-chan Akiyama chapter 3 . 1/16/2007
WAH, there's only three chapters? BUT I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

ahou incarnate chapter 3 . 12/27/2006
It's been almost 3 years since you've updated this fic! Please don't tell me you're discontinuing it? It's so good!
Zetaseal chapter 3 . 11/28/2006
I like how the warning in the first chapter is for slash and first person POV. I guess someone could read that and think, "Link/Sheik? Oh, that's okay... Wait, first person present tense? OMG OH NOES!1!"

Ahem. Sorry. _

I enjoyed this muchly. :D There's so little Link/Sheik (at least that I can find) and one as well written as this is just an awsome find. And music terms/Greek gods? Rock so hard. Sheik's personality seems a little overly stiff, but you mentioned he will change so all is well. I hope you update soon~
Phantasmik chapter 3 . 10/21/2006
M. Sheik/Link, I'm guessing? Excellent. There aren't nearly enough of those. Sheik is love. -

I have a request... If you know any good Sheik centric or Sheik/Link stories can you please guide me to them? I'd appreciate it alot.

But yes, this story is amazing. I love how in character Sheik is.

Eeveelover chapter 3 . 8/22/2006
Haha, when you started using the word "collective" I instantly thought of the Borg. XD Glad you clearified things towards the end of the first chapter or I woulda been "ZOMG STAR TREK?"

I love this story. It is one of the best LinkxSheik stories I've read. Seriously. Some are pretty out there. This is at least feasible, and I like Sheik's personality here.

Good job. Seriously. Please hurry up. _

[lawl, and I know what all the music words mean. I'm such a music nerd. XD Oh manz, clarinet ftw.]
Rose Flame chapter 3 . 8/20/2006
I know it's been a long time since this was updated, but I've really enjoyed reading it. You've done a nice job with Sheik, though he's a difficult character to grasp, and this is a neat little slot-in fic. I know there's not much hope of you continuing, but I wanted to let you know how much I liked it. (And how much your research showed, since the level of detail is just right.)
unemployed sixteen year old chapter 3 . 7/23/2006
It's been two years. Aren't you ever going to start this story again? It's really good.
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