Reviews for Try, Try, Try Again
steadfast chapter 2 . 12/3/2008
I know this story is old, but I am just enjoying it for the first time. What I really want now is a story that explains how it came to pass that there is a shark in a lake in Colorado!
VampirateLycan chapter 8 . 2/26/2008
OMG! Loved it! Brilliant.
avid fanfic reader chapter 1 . 11/3/2005
OMG just read it in tears woke up landlord with hysterical fits way to go you have got one of my fav SG1 episodes
Amanda chapter 8 . 6/3/2005
GREAT job! You did wonderfully well. I havn't enjoyed a Sam/Jack story like this in ages. Thank you for writing this, and I hope you write more great works soon.:-)
TheCrazySaz chapter 8 . 9/30/2004
Aw man, I LOVE THIS! It's so totally awesome! It's beautiful, i nearly cried near the end. She wouldnt leave him. *sob* But then when Sam chased him round the world... that wasjust FABULOUS! This fic is brilliant! Thank you! :D
fanfic1234 chapter 8 . 8/17/2004
THAT WAS GREAT! I think that- if you want- you should write a sequel with Sam's reactions when he tells her about everything he did on the time loop- both time loops. Your choice. Great job, you rule!
Elysium chapter 8 . 6/20/2004
Loved it!
Chicky chapter 8 . 6/4/2004
Ya know thereview w/ thesuggestion? I DID NOT write that my friend did. I hate itwhen they do that! I love your writing. You are officaly my favorite author! I can't wait to read your other fics!

With happiness from your #1 fan,

Chicky chapter 6 . 6/2/2004
I'm loving it
Chicky chapter 5 . 5/29/2004
In my first review of this story, I hope i didn't sound rude. I was just trying to help you. But anyway this is the best story you've written yet! I love it! You are my favorite author..Well actually you are tied with angel Levithan but you are getting into the lead. Continue your great writing please. How about you write a story when Jack gets upset when Sam is seriously wounded. He should get realy upset and aggressive.

From your #1 fan,

Chicky chapter 4 . 5/29/2004
I love your is so good.I hope you fix the spelling mistakes I wrote in my last review for this story. I live your pen name. It is the truth and reality for! :)
Chicky chapter 1 . 5/28/2004
Hey this great so far but you spelled Tokra wrong and in one part teal'c says"What O'Neill is trying to day is..."The day should be say. But for some minor errors this is the best!
Serenity Marie chapter 8 . 5/12/2004
*falls over becouse of cuteness* THAT WAS GOOD! 100 points for you for being such a great writer!
DragonMouse chapter 3 . 4/13/2004
My only complaint is that sharks don't live in lakes, so Sam must have had one HUGE amount of beginer's luck. ;) Other then that, very nifty.
*runs off to go read more*
~( 8
Gimli2003 chapter 8 . 3/19/2004
Woohoo, great ending! It's always nice to see a Goa'uld get his ass kicked. Really liked your story, congrats on finishing it!
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