Reviews for Star
zombiekins5948 chapter 16 . 5/29/2015
Love it. I live how they end up together. It's so sweet. I was actually kinda worried that that wasn't the real rogue. If that was true I would have cried my head off. Thank goodness she is the original rogue
hai-edogawa chapter 16 . 9/25/2012
hey i watched all X-men series both versions evolution and the older one...i liked your fic overall... but actions are pretty much lame...
JekKey X chapter 16 . 9/28/2011
WWAAAHHH! NO ITZ DE END! Wow, 2003? I was like... 3-4 years old 0.0 Wow...
alesin123 chapter 11 . 8/2/2011
I just loved this chapter from the beginning to the end. It kept on the edge of my seat the whole time! totally awesome, well done.
Fire Makes Me Smile chapter 4 . 12/26/2010
awwww, I wish this fic wasn't done yet (never thought I'd ever write that down) because I wanted to suggest a name for your band.

Different Era

I don't know how it could relate, but that's my brother's band name, and I've got to say it's grown on me. but X or 1 and X or whatever it was you named the band works too.
Swirl-spill chapter 16 . 12/5/2009
Even though I hate Romys this was very well Good.
qi chapter 4 . 11/11/2009
I think the name of the band was somethings Ribbons
Hyper Puck chapter 16 . 8/20/2009
tfobmv18 chapter 16 . 5/17/2008
I love it. I especially love the whole clone thing. Keep up the good work. I also liked the band and Scarlett.
RoyalPrincessHinataHyuga chapter 16 . 9/3/2007
i loved it and thats all i can say about it lol.
DanceOfTheEntWives chapter 16 . 8/5/2007
you're right, i didn't suspect the ending. i thought she would use kitty's power to get out of the box. but for the touching thing i knew she would be able to do that since every good romy fic has that in it (almost every good romy fic) and this fic was pretty damn good! really awesome. _
Mia chapter 16 . 2/20/2007
Hey, I just finished reading this. LOL, I loved it. It was pretty amusing to read. I liked that Jamie thing, when he was watching that Pepe Le Pew cartoon and comparing it to Rogue and Remy. LOL, that was funny. That's what they always reminded me of in alot of the fanfics I come across. I also liked that scene in the mall where Remy is pretend begging her to forgive him, and she tells everyone he's married and didn't tell her. LOL. You should have described a funny old lady as the one saying, 'you should be ashamed of yourself' or something. Well, you didn't describe who said that so that's how I imagined it. :p Oh yea, and there was a plot, even though it didn't really focus on that all the time, I find that sometimes too much focus on the bad guy can be a bit tedious... one of the reasons I liked your fic. I liked that band thing with Rogue, Kitty, Kurt, and Bobby and the music you chose. I loved the bond conectiong thing between Jamie and Rogue, sweet. And you involved my favourite characters, which are Angel, Mystique, Logan, Nightcrawler, and of course Romy, no matter if you only use some of them for a lil bit. Well, anyway, Bye! :D
zeo knight chapter 16 . 1/8/2007
yeah but you did something classy with the swamp rat and southern belle yah did good
ScrewyLouie12 chapter 16 . 8/4/2006
yeah it was obivous what you were planning to do, but hey no worries! loved it!
Brown Eyed Girl chapter 14 . 10/5/2005
The person who sand "The Warrior is a Child" is named Twila Paris, not Paris Twila and this is one of my favorite songs. brings tears to the eyes, doesn't it? great story-keep going.
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