Reviews for Star
Suzaka chapter 11 . 9/26/2003
Poor Rogue. Fascinating take on the manifestations coming back. ::Grrs at Apocalypse:: Why won't you leave her alone?
Dragonic Soul chapter 11 . 9/26/2003
Sammi: ::sniffle: Yeah, well, i had just gotten USED to the fact that Mystique was Rogues mom! WAA!


Sammi: Um, earth to Egypt girl. He's immortal.

Terana: So? I am too.

Sammi: Oh, yeah, ecept he actually has a body, your a spirit inside of a scale!

Terana: -_-; NOw, did ya have to bring that up?
UnknownSource chapter 11 . 9/26/2003
Jamie saved her, YAY! (starts waving her 'yay Jamie' flag) Have i mentioned how much i love the part he gets to play in your story? Well i love it anyway.

And i quite liked the idea of Apocalypse's psyche taking over Rogue, interesting idea with her absorbing him never heard that one before. Though i would've perfered it if she totally wiped the floor with the X-men, didnt reponse to Gambits attempts and only the Jamster could save her from Apocalypse's grip (but that's probably just my anti-Romy tendencies talking).

Anyway, for next chapter i'd like Angst, with a captial 'A'. Not the overwhelming 'god i'm just a reader and even i want to kill myself now' Angst but the normal natural 'i just tried to wipe out my friends and just killed my mother' angst. Great work and i eagerly await the next chapter!
Holy-Psychic-Vulpix chapter 10 . 9/23/2003
This is really good. Keep up the good work!

::Runs off burning everything in her path:: FIRE!
Dragonic Soul chapter 10 . 9/21/2003
::sniffle:: Oh, now you made Sammi cry! Sammi hates that! Sammi lost her two girls parents in that eppy, and you throw it in Sammi's face! Why is Sammi talkin' like the cajun? WHY CAN'T SAMMI STOP? WHY!
Ashes Forgotten chapter 10 . 9/21/2003
Well yes, it is a rip-off of Impact. But damn, it's a pretty good rip-off. I saw the episode running throuhg my head while reading some of your scenes. Not bad at all.
ladyjadegreen chapter 10 . 9/21/2003
actually name is jewelz but decided to use ladyjadegreen. jadegreen is a book i read once and it was really good but i forgot what it was about. anyways good story keep goin!

have ROGUE REVEAL HERSELF TO THE PPLE AS THE SINGER AND HAVE THEM ACCEPT HER. And have REMY as the RAPPER of the band, so they could duet songs like 'Bring me to Life' and LINKIN PARK SONGS like 'Lying from You' and you HAVE to do 'EASIER TO RUN'. sry if i'm bein demanding but i'm suggesting stuff at the same time.

MAKE REMY THE RAPPER! plz plz plz and thank you
jewelz chapter 9 . 9/21/2003
hey ya'll! great story keep goin!

but one thing is that u shoulda had rogue reveal that she was scarlett to the pple and have them accept her as the singer.

otha than that, good job!
ishandahalf chapter 10 . 9/20/2003
aww. i'm glad you feared me enough to stick remy in! that makes me feel all special and happy.

anyhoo, cool beans to the max! good chapter indeed. very mysterious and angsty and such. rogue hearing voices really can't be good, can it? dun dun duh. well, maybe remy can help! that's a hint for more romy goodness, by the way. so keep it coming, quick like a bunny on crack!
Taineyah chapter 10 . 9/20/2003
I can't wait for more! Thanks for using that kickass While My Guitar Gently Weeps! I loved it!


Denial chapter 10 . 9/20/2003
You are doing an awsome job of working the episodes into your story here. It is really interesting seeing how you play with them to make them fit into your AU. So...the big question. What the heck is going on? Where is Rogue going? Where was she? Who was she with? And the all important, where's Remy? Hmm...okay, patience. Must have patience. ::sigh:: I hate patience.
Ellie s.g chapter 10 . 9/19/2003
as usual, totally awesome! Can't wait for the next chap!
leidiavolo chapter 10 . 9/19/2003
...Update soon. Cause...I'm confused...
Aro chapter 10 . 9/19/2003
Impact was an awesome episode. I'm just waiting for Cajun Spice. Probably has Romy in it! WOOHOO! ANYWAY.. Update soon and I'll give you a cookie. :)
UnknownSource chapter 10 . 9/19/2003
yeah half of this is a total rip off but its a good total rip off. Nice to see wee Remy getting put in his place, some guys just need to learn they are only useful for two things sex and carrying bags :)

I loved Jamie, for the little part he played and Kitty in the shopping scene too nice to see she's still a mall rat. And the eerie voice is just cool. Is it apocalypse? I'm going to put my money on it being old pharoh guy, just make sure you follow this up properly including the emotions of Kurt and the other x-men after finding out Rogue has technically killed her own mother (we need someone to give us closure after it seems the writers at x-men:evo have completely forgotten about it)
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