Reviews for Stamped
Tears of Mercury chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
*sniffles* That was just beautiful.

It's so rare to see Percy written, and even rarer to see him written well. You guys really hit the nail on the head in regards to him being so isolated from most of his siblings but taking a special liking to Ron - it was also a really nice touch for him to call Ron Ronald.

Most people seem to view Percy's ambition as either completely random or just a by-product of being poor, so I was happy to see you show him observing some of the same, albeit toned-down ambition in Molly. I've always thought that They both hold a special place in each other's hearts and understand each other, one of the reasons OoTP was so sad for me to read.

The smaller details (him making his own Ministry of Magic seal, being responsible for reminding the calendar to turn one page each day, making up passwords for different rooms of the house) made the story even richer and added a lot of credibility to it. It was a fantastic read, as well as your Ron/Ginny stories (and here I thought I was the only one who shipped them).

Aznavour chapter 1 . 8/28/2005
This is a beautiful story. It fits with everything we know in the books (particularly the fifth) just perfectly, with a sort of ironic flair which makes it just that - perfect.

You've made my evening. Thank you!

Shading in Grey chapter 1 . 5/11/2005
Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow. That is a wonderful insight into Percy; it is well-developed and convincing. It is fantastic. It's also slightly sad - I felt so... not sorry, but I really felt bad about the way that Percy was treated, and felt. It seems very sad. Poor Percy.

Anyway, this is a brilliant fic. Thank you for sharing.
Whisp chapter 1 . 2/2/2005
Absolutely wonderful fic. It was a completely believable version of Percy at 11. And as an added plus, he was quite adorable in it too. I love it when he was checking on Ron and Ginny before bed and trying to calm them.

When he found the old letters from himself to his mother and made that promise, I suddenly had the urge to slap OotP-Percy. Percy at 11 is much more forgivable than Percy at 19. And the end was so sad!

gooseflesh chapter 1 . 7/18/2004
very nice story. although, im not quite sure what to think of it.
Saucie chapter 1 . 6/1/2004
Excellent Percy-insight. I love the mixture of eleven-year-old naivete and aspiring pomposity you bring to this whole thing; Percy sounds like everything you know about him now, and everything you think he would be at eleven.

There's so much packed into the lines about how Percy views Ron that I can't even begin to analyse it. The fact that he uses 'Ronald' every time was very telling, and the conflict for Ron - between being Percy, or Fred and George - is said so subtlely, so very well.

Great work, really, especially in light of the events of OotP.
Marauders Chick chapter 1 . 12/4/2003
AW! I love it! *huggles* the whole series I couldn't stand Percy and thought he was annoying (especially in the fifth book) but now I have reached a higher understanding of him *cries* I wish he hadn't made his mom cry though!(in OOtP, I mean) ok...I have to go find some tissues now...
SAA chapter 1 . 8/18/2003
That's excellant! You have a great writing style. That is possibly one of the most adorable things I have ever read.
Corvus-corax chapter 1 . 7/11/2003
Very In-character. The last sentence made me cry (OOtP is an evil book, dammit!). One small thing: I wouldn't have thought Errol would be that decrepit 5 years before the series, but I guess that depends on how old he actually is.

Also a few lines, such as :"Percy is a very busy boy, after all." are a bit too juvenille sounding. I don't think many eleven-year-olds (especially not ones who take themselves overly seriously) think of themselves in those terms.

Good fic,

Sasami chapter 1 . 7/9/2003
Excellent! True to character and very insightful. In light of Percy's estrangement from the family in OOtP, this really made my heart ache. I love Percy, and all the Weasleys.
BookSmartBrilliance chapter 1 . 7/9/2003
This was excellent! I loved everything about it. Percy sounds so grown up, even at the age of eleven. I love the way you show his relationship with each of his family members! I especially love the line about finding the letters being saved by Molly and deciding never to make her cry. That's so very sad, given their current relationship. Ron was great. I liked the way you gave a glimpse into his character as well through Percy's eyes. This is probably one of the best Percy fics I've ever read. Bravo!
Lindy chapter 1 . 7/8/2003
A thoroughly enjoyable little piece of fanfiction. I like Percy very much. He's an itriguing character and there's a lot about him that you never really gets brought to ligth into he series. I think you've done a very good job at illuminating what exactly it is that makes Percy tick.
Morbane chapter 1 . 7/7/2003
That's great. It's a Percy almost more self-important than in canon, yet a rather lovable, understandable, sympathetic Percy. Neat work.