Reviews for You're Beautiful, God Damnit!
Bigfoot420 chapter 5 . 7/29
Ahhhhhh yes a nice long chapter! And it’s nice to see that your writing is improving with each chapter. This one flowed nicely with good details to support the flow. I’m really digging it. One thing I might say needs some touching up tho is sometimes when a character leaves you end it with” they leave. I wave” now I’m not saying this is a terrible thing I just think you should improve it a little bit. But besides that the writing was up to par for me. Your definitely improving with each and every chapter and I can’t wait for the next one!
Cre8ivelybankrupt87 chapter 5 . 7/29
Jeez Harold, Helga can’t be called a slut in any meaning of the word, she’s only got eyes for one guy in the world... even if she did go on to eat that banana rather suggestively lol.
I figure their teen relationship would be a series of paranoid overreacting on Helga’s part. Especially if Arnold is actively trying not to be possessive Helga totally would confuse that for him being distant.
Heh, I figure Olga being the perfect daughter would’ve depleted most of Bob’s sexism but I guess he’s still got some. Still, the way Lila handled him was just perfect. Glad to see I’m not the only one who pegged her for being secretly strong from growing up doing farm work.
And where shall Helga’s delightfully frightful insecurities carry her next...
Kimagure Bijin chapter 4 . 7/22
Ah good old dark Arnold has entered the room... I think I'm going to enjoy his chapters a little more than I do Helga's because I like when he gets like that but Helga clearly doesn't feel the same as me but let's see.
I don't feel that weird about Tommy anymore but I'm still intrigued by his role in this story.
I can only wonder why Helga wouldn't want her football head to read her poetry it probably got steamier over the years lol
Kryten chapter 4 . 7/22
Oh, THAT Tommy.

I’m thinking that working closely with Lila might make Rhonda realize she’s not so much interested in a -boy-friend...
Cre8ivelybankrupt87 chapter 4 . 7/22
Your worries about Arnold being possessive, green eyes, Othello references? I don’t like where this is going!
So Helga doesn’t let Arnold read her poetry eh? Meaning it’s only gotten steamier and more girlhood tremblier over the years?
Yes, now Arnold’s starting to get possessive.
Ohh he’s that Tommy. And I just knew he was gonna say that... use him to make Arnold jealous. Bad idea with ‘Dark Arnold’ staring to surface here.
Bigfoot420 chapter 4 . 7/21
Nice addition! Although I have to wonder, why is Tommy acting this way towards Helga? Why is he being so friendly towards her... it’s almost like he’s being too friendly... idk but if I was Arnold I’d totally give him a good ole right hook one day just to teach him a lesson;) But anyways great chapter! As always I’m looking forward to the next one!
Bigfoot420 chapter 3 . 7/16
Really liking this story so far! I myself have always liked the Hey Arnold fics where they are older and your doing a great job with this one. I feel really bad for Helga and I really hope things get better for her soon!
Cre8ivelybankrupt87 chapter 3 . 7/15
Haha, even when they’re together Helga is still delivering her “I hate him... and yet I love him!” monologues. I kinda imagine she’ll be doing those forever.
Woah... I half expected Bob to defend her but holy shit he’s worse than ever here. I can see why Helga seems to be developing some serious mental issues.
Kryten chapter 3 . 7/15
Poor Helga, Karens are the worst, aren't they? Even without the racism.
Kimagure Bijin chapter 3 . 7/15
Ah I don't know about high school sports because I was in choreography dance & in art but we are in the same boat since I didn't noticed either
I wish I could punch Bob in the face but at least Helga tries to be the bigger person, it shouldn't be that way since she's the kid but oh well...
I wonder what part this Tommy character will play in this story I find his enthusiasm to meeting Arnold a little weird too
Guest chapter 2 . 7/10
Interesting story! Would like to see more soon!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/10
Genuine too. Arnold would totally fall hard and fast in love. Hope he can get Helga to see the beautiful person she is.
Looking forward to more
Kimagure Bijin chapter 2 . 7/9
Ah very cute, I wish we could know what Arnold think about the list but I can't complain after all that kissing :3
I don't think your Arnold is creepy at all & I find sweet (yet a little silly) that the reason why he haven't tell Helga is because he doesn't want to risk breaking up that's precious.
Cre8ivelybankrupt87 chapter 2 . 7/9
I wondered if the Shortmans would have other kids. I kind of expected not after everything they’d been through, but it’s interesting to see a story with Arnold getting to be a big brother. And as would be expected he’s just the best brother ever. That scene of them playing is too cute for words.
Worry not Arnold. Bartlett says you’ll pass Helga in height someday.
Well that got steamy fast, haha... Arnold awkwardly trying to hide his... excitement.
I wouldn’t say Arnold seems possessive in the slightest. He just really loves being with her. If anyone was gonna be the possessive one in that relationship it’d be Helga... what with her history as an obsessive stalker haha, maybe she’s grown out of that since grade school but still that was part of what made her such a fun character.
Kimagure Bijin chapter 1 . 7/8
Interesting I don't know why I thought this was a one-shot... wonder what will happen next, can't wait for Arnold's pov
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